Chapter 29: You Lose Some

Start from the beginning

Like Erin? That guy just wanted in his pants. And myself? I'm not his friend, I'm just, he's just...

His lion was pushing him toward the word mine, but he shoved it back.

"Rylan?" She asked, seemingly sensing that he was upset about something. 

He gave a quiet rumble before resting his head on his front paws. He didn't feel like shifting back right then to talk and she figured that out pretty quickly.

"I suppose you're here to wait for him so I'll leave you be."

With that she smiled and went back inside to finish cleaning up before her son came home.

"Alright guys, we're going to stop at the place I'll be renting for us first." Larro said.

It was already close to ten o' clock at night, but after driving the whole day they were finally close to their destination.

"Pask! Wake up. Dropping you and Tayn off in a few minutes." He yelled behind himself.

There was a grumble from the back seat and when they finally pulled into the parking lot of a nice apartment complex Pask was up and yawning. He stopped the car in front of the building on the left.

"Alright, Tayn, Pask, grab our stuff real quick and head inside, it should be unlocked with a few keys on the counter." Larro said.

Tayn nodded and set Arron's cheetah in his lap for a moment so that he could get out. He was about to shut the door so that he could get the stuff out of the trunk when Arron ran over to him.

Pausing with his hand on the door, Tayn smiled down at the kitten and patted its head. Larro could tell that they were talking telepathically, but he was surprised to know that Tayn had bonded so quickly with Arron when he was so against even talking to people in general.

After Pask and Tayn got their stuff and were safely inside, Larro pulled out of the parking lot and got him and Arron headed toward the address he had gotten from the boy's mother earlier.

Darn kid hadn't even memorized his new address yet.

"Alright, shift and get dressed if you can. We'll be at your house in about an hour or so."

The second Tayn had his and Larro's stuff he ran up the stairs to the new apartment. It was pretty darn nice inside and a bit bigger than their last one. The doorway opened into the living room right away, then the kitchen was one of those open ones only separated by the counter that wrapped around near the hall and acted as a technical wall on the left.

He quickly walked down the hall and took a right toward a shorter one before he came upon the first bedroom. It was nice, but it wasn't one of the ones with a balcony. It looked like there were two with access and one without. He was about to turn and look for the others when he heard Pask coming.

Without much thought he stepped into the room and shut the door fast. Pascal's feet paused outside it a moment later, but then continued onto the other two rooms to look around. Tayn sighed with relief hoping that he wouldn't try to bother him after that long car ride, but when he heard scratching at the door a minute later he nearly jumped. 

At least the scratches meant he was in his canine form. That was at least a little easier to deal with.

He slowly opened the door to see a fuzzy spotted face staring up at him. The hyena whimpered once before taking the edge of the shirt that Tayn was wearing and tugging. There really was no reason not to follow since he was in his animal form and not jumping at him.

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