Hide-And-Seek (1)

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Heavy panting pierced the night air, just before the entrance to the woods. Two figures, one large, one small, labored for breath.

"Jungkook, let's play hide-and-seek with mommy, alright?" Mrs Jeon said, her voice trembling with fear.

Jungkook looked at his weary mother, innocence in his eyes.

"I'll count to ten and you start running into the woods," Mrs Jeon's said, tears trickling down her pale cheeks.

She pulled Jungkook into a tight hug with her blood-stained hands, her embrace shaking with fear. Jungkook's eyes filled with tears too, sensing this wasn't a simple game but something much more ominous.

"Mommy, can't we run together? I don't want to go alone," he pleaded.

Jungkook was terrified. He had a feeling that perhaps this would be the last time he'd see his mother.

"Please, listen to me one last time!" she begged, wiping his tears. "I'm sorry, my baby. I'm really sorry."

Suddenly, loud footsteps and heavy panting could be heard approaching them. It was Jungkook's father, pressing on the fresh wound on his stomach which failed to stop bleeding. It was the result of Mrs Jeon's earlier act of self-defense, leaving her hands covered in blood.

"Go! Run as fast as you can and wait for mommy to come find you!" Mrs Jeon urged, giving Jungkook a gentle push out of her embrace.

Watching him take a few steps back with trembling legs and fresh tears replacing each drop, she felt her heart ache. 

Jungkook clenched his fists and gritted his teeth before giving his mother one last look. Without any words, he turned around and ran towards the woods.

"One, two, three, four, five-"

Jungkook ran deeper into the woods as fast as his short legs could carry him, his heart pounding in his chest.

Suddenly, he couldn't hear his mother anymore. He burst into tears once again, his heart shattering into pieces but he continued to run, driven by fear and desperation.

As Mr Jeon finally caught up to his wife, his drunken rage intensified. He wanted to kill her on the spot, along with their son.

"You crazy bitch! How could you stab me with a knife?! I can't believe I married a crazy woman like you!" he bellowed, anger evident as he pressed firmly onto his wound.

Mrs Jeon had enough of her life, enduring years of his abuse both physical and sexual, while having to work tirelessly to provide for Jungkook and shielding him from his father's temper.

Mr Jeon neglected his family, choosing instead to sleep during the day and drink throughout the night. Mrs Jeon tried to escape this hellish existence by urging him to sign the divorce papers countless times, but he always tore them up and resorted to violence by hitting her with whatever he could get his hands on.

Because of her irresponsible husband, Mrs Jeon had to work as a tutor during the day and as a waitress at a nearby restaurant at night. She also had to take care of Jungkook, playing both the roles of his mom and dad as he was only five years old. Jungkook was severely malnourished and much smaller than peers his age, yet he was mentally matured.

He had to be.

While kids his age should have been busy playing with their toys and having creative imaginations, Jungkook had to survive each day trembling in fear and worry.

Mrs Jeon didn't mind the additional workload as long as it ensured there were meals to feed her baby by day's end. What she found intolerable was Mr Jeon using her for his own pleasure, especially when Jungkook was still in the room.

He treated his wife as if she were merely a plaything, using her only for his own gratification and discarding her once he was satisfied.

Mrs Jeon was determined to shield her son from witnessing such an unsightly side of them. Consequently, she rejected Mr Jeon's advances. However, this only infuriated him further, leading to repeated beatings. He even went as far as to raping her in front of their son.

Despite his tender age, Jungkook frequently bore witness to his mother's cries for help, only to find her ending up under his father every night. It was a dreadful cycle, and whenever Jungkook intervened, his father's violent reprisal would send him crashing into walls, often resulting in loss of consciousness.

Each time he regained awareness, it was to the sight of his mother quietly sobbing, her torn garments offering scant protection against her bruised skin.

Jungkook would join her tears, his small hands tenderly caressing her tear-streaked cheeks in a futile attempt to offer solace.

Every day, his heart ached for her.

Jungkook's situation wasn't any better, his father's abuse extended to him too. Occasionally when Mrs Jeon was working at night, his father would take his frustrations out on Jungkook. He would strip Jungkook of his shirt and force him into despicable acts. This made Jungkook feel terrible about himself.

He finds himself disgusting.

He kept this secret from his mother because he didn't want to make her life even harder. She was already suffering so much, and he didn't want to add to her pain. If keeping quiet could give her some peace of mind, he was willing to take this secret to his grave.

But how could a mother not know what was happening to her child?

Whenever Mrs Jeon helped Jungkook shower at night, he would whimper in pain. There are bruises where she could see and each night she cried, feeling powerless to protect her child.

Mrs Jeon finally reached her breaking point, losing all sense of sanity.

"I'm a crazy bitch?" she exclaimed, her voice trembling with rage. "Yes, I must be utterly insane to marry someone like you! To let you hurt my child like this! I must be out of my mind not to have stabbed you to death earlier!"

Mrs Jeon picked up a rock from the ground and lunged at Mr Jeon, smashing it onto his forehead and causing blood to gush forth in an instant. Shock registered on Mr Jeon's face as he snatched the rock away, his anger boiling over.

"You damned bitch!" he spat out.

With brutal force, he struck Mrs Jeon repeatedly with the rock until she fell to the ground, motionless. The night fell silent, save for Mr Jeon's heavy panting as he stared at the lifeless form before him.

A twisted gleam danced in his eyes as he let out a chilling laugh. Setting the rock aside, he dragged Mrs Jeon's body deeper into the woods to avoid prying eyes. Returning to retrieve the bloody rock, his face contorted in madness.

"Now, time to find him..."

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