Chapter 1

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Had this in my draft for ages now and I've finally mustered enough courage to upload it. Now I just need to muster the strength to finish it. HaHa....

"Hyung! Should I try out the pink rose instead? Lisa wanted the red one but I think the color contrasts too much."

Tae rolled his eyes, "Aren't they basically the same color?"

"No! The pink gives a softer feeling while the red is more mature." Jungkook explained as he looked at himself in the mirror.

"Oh, then definitely the pink one." Tae smirked, earning him a soft glare from the younger. He raised his arms in surrender, "I'm kidding! The pink really does look better though."

Jungkook looks himself up and down again with the pink rose on his front pocket with uncertainty. "But will Lisa-"

Tae groaned, "If you care so much about what Lisa thinks why did you even ask for my opinion." he whispered underneath his breath. He spoke again in a louder voice, "Lisa's gonna love it. Trust me! I've known the girl, involuntarily, for 10 years."

Jungkook smiled and adjusted his vest, "Alright, hyung!" Without much thought he jumped off the changing podium and skipped out of the room to go show his fiancé the tiny changes to his ensemble, yelling out a thanks to his hyung.

Tae had no intention of following him as he just stood still, looking longingly at his young dongsaeng. He let out the heavy sigh he'd been holding in and proceeded to sit down on the small chair beside the empty podium he'd been too nervous to sit on.

He looked at his reflection of the mirror, a crooked smile growing on his face, distorting his smooth skin with jagged wrinkles. "Pathetic" he whispered. Just as he was sinking deeper in self-pity, he heard the shouts of his dongsaeng coming back and immediately shot up from the chair.

"Hyung! She said she likes this better! You were right." he smiled. Tae scoffed playfully, all the worried wrinkles on his face seeming to disappear, "See? Don't try to underestimate Kim Taehyung. I was born to be fabulous."

Tae exaggerated his movements, a habit of his when he was worked up or trying to cover something. Jungkook stared blankly at his hyung, unamused. "This is why you still don't have a girlfriend despite being so handsome, hyung." he deadpanned. Tae pouted, slightly hurt by his statement.

"I've got a cute dongsaeng already, I don't need a girlfriend!" he whined, hugging Jungkook by the side of his neck. Jungkook whined in his grip, slightly agitated by his touchy nature.

After a couple more whines and struggle from the younger, Tae let go of his grip and smiled at the pouting Jungkook. "Hyung I'm gonna be married in a week! You can't keep treating me like a kid!" he said in a deeper tone.

Tae's heart skipped a beat. "Aw, you're so cute when you try to act manly." he chuckled as he rubbed Jungkook's head. Jungkook whined in his normal voice.


"Taehyung-ah!" their hyung's voice broke their playful session. Both dongsaeng looked expectantly towards their hyung. "Yoongi-hyung? Why are you here?"

Yoongi scratched the back of his head nervously with his index finger, "I..need to talk to you," he side glanced Jungkook, "..alone"

Tae gave a smile to Jungkook before following Yoongi out of the boutique. "What is it hyung? Weren't you supposed to go check on the doves?"

Yoongi bit his lips. "That's the thing...I just came back from the pet shop and..." he hesitated. "What is it?" Tae asked, getting a bad feeling in his gut.

"Well, the thing is- it's actually really funny if you think about i-"

"Hyung!" Yoongi jumped at Tae's deep voice.

"What. Is. It."

Yoongi sighed, "All the doves flew away."

"Oh, shit"

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