6 - Nightmares

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- Aurora's POV -


"You stupid little shit!" He hit me hard across the face. "You're fucking useless! You and your faggoty brothers! All of you are fucking useless!"

"P-pp-please s-ss-stop hitting m-me!"  I screamed...


"Ahhhhh! Stop! Stop! Stop!"..........



I shoot up out of bed and see Oliver sitting on the edge next to me looking very worried. He wrapped me up in his arms and stroked my hair. Usually Griffin or Max comfort me when I have nightmares. Their warm chests and loving embraces help me to breathe again... but being against Oliver... his chest is warm, his arms are securely wrapped around me. I feel the air return to my lungs and cry into his chest.

"It's alright angel, I got you. No one is going to hurt you, I promise." He whispered to me while rubbing my back and slightly swaying side to side. Then he pulled away and looked me in the eyes. "Do you want to talk about it?" He asked searching my eyes and waiting for my answer. I shook my head and put my face back on his warm chest and listened to the calming rhythm of his heart beating. When I was finally calm enough to let him go, he kissed my forehead. "You watch some t.v and I'll go make you some breakfast. I'll come get you when it's ready, okay?" I nodded. First, my very own tiger and now breakfast? Why is he being so nice to me? Is it real?

- Oliver's POV -

I always wake up early. Not much of a sleeper anyway. Most nights I lay awake, staring at the ceiling. This night was no different until I heard Aurora screaming for someone to stop.... I shot out of bed and ran to her room. Opening the door I see Aurora still asleep but cowering and pulling her knees to her chest. Screaming for someone to stop something. I run over to her and try to shake her awake.


*A/N - And you know what happens then.... now on to breakfast!*

- Kitchen -

Making breakfast, I hear footsteps coming from the hall. My gang plus Griffin and Max come strolling in. Great... Now I'm gonna get shit from Charlie about making breakfast for her too. Ugh.... Charlie is the first one through the threshold of the kitchen. Of course....

"Are you making... breakfast?" Charlie asks and freezes in his place, along with Ethan, Derek and Happy. Griffin and Max however, continue walking and sat down at the table.

"Is that a bad thing?" Max asks.

"He doesn't cook.... like ever." Happy said with a smile.

"I know how to cook assholes. I just choose not to most of the time." I said pouring the pancake batter onto the pan and adding little chocolate drops to the top. Watching them sink into the bubbly batter. "Griffin, Max? Does your sister often have nightmares?" I take a second to look at them and they go ridgid.

"Did she have one?" Griffin asked worriedly.

"Yes. I heard her screaming stop stop stop, over and over again." I said watching as they looked back and forth from me to eachother. "She's fine now, she's watching t.v. I told her I would go get her when I was done cooking but why don't the both of you go and get her. Her door is in the first hall, three doors down on the right. After breakfast, I want to have a talk with you two." They nodded and ran from the kitchen.

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