Money Matters

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WARNING - this chapter contains sexual content not suitable for readers sensitive to explicit material

Sir Jorah made his way to meet the Queen. Daario had disappeared without a sound and he wondered if Daenerys knew. He would so hate to have to be the one to relay the information to her. She was sat away from him when he entered her quarters. She did not stand and she did not address him in any way. He sat beside her and waited for her to address him.
"He is gone, isn't he?" She asked, not taking her eyes away from the view of King's Landing.
"Yes, your Highness. He left yesterday." Jorah informed her. Daenerys nodded her head, her posture poised.
"I see. I spoke with him yesterday. I told him that I could not have him in King's Landing if he was going to indulge in the idea of being my lover." Jorah nodded, knowing that she had made the right choice.
"If he could not love you without love in return, then I do not think that this is genuine love." Jorah stated, knowing that he could love the Khaleesi, with the knowledge that she would probably never reciprocate.
"I know that you are right. I feel like a fool, indulging him for so long." She shook her head and Jorah was unsure how to reply.
"I miss Drogo, my Khal. The times when things had been easier." Daenerys sighed, remembering back to her first marriage.
"He was a great man." Jorah agreed.
"This is all he had ever wanted for me, all that we had strived for. He married a child and made me a woman. He is the reason I have my dragons." She paused and turned to Jorah now.
"I, I just feel as if I have let him down, as if I am not the Queen he wanted me to be." Jorah stopped her now, shaking his head.
"He loved you more than I have ever seen a Dothraki man love a woman. He is so proud of you, Khaleesi. You had nothing, only the small Khalasar that stayed with you. And now look at you, Queen of Westeros, leader of the Westerosi people." His speech rang true and passionate. Daenerys took his scarred hand and looked up at him.
"I do not think I shall love again, but I care for you, Sir Jorah and Drogo cared for you. Would you be my companion? Your company comforts me in a way that I can not tell you. I daresay we shall never marry and I will never bare your children, but you would be my closest friend." Daenerys asked, hoping that Jorah would settle for such a deal.
"Of course, Khaleesi, it would be my pleasure." He felt his heart strain as he agreed to never be loved in the way he wished. But it was something, a chance to be with the person he loved, if only as a friend.

Sansa was curious of the new man in the court. He was not seen all so often and when he was, he kept to himself.
"Who is he?" Sansa asked Varys as they walked in the garden.
"Ah, you are asking about Sir Jorah Mormont. He is the Queen closest companion. That is why we do not see him very often, as he is with the Queen." Varys informed her.
"I see. I did not know that the Queen had such consorts." Sansa mused aloud.
"Oh, I do not think that he is that kind of consort, my dear. He is merely her friend." Sansa nodded, understanding completely.
"I hear that Lady Olenna Tyrell is to come to us soon." Varys changed the subject of conversation.
"I can not imagine what kind of pain she has had to suffer." Sansa thought reverently.
"I dare say that she turns that pain into vengeful rage and that has helped her." Sansa thought of Margaery and Loras and their terrible deaths.
"Please, do not dwell on such things, it is done, there is no use thinking back into the past." Varys begged her and Sansa nodded, smiling up at him.
"So, tell me. How are you fairing in King's Landing? You do not long for the North, I hope." He asked, sitting down upon a bench in the gardens.
"No, I do not miss the North so much. It was far colder and harsher without my family there. I enjoy the company and the climate of King's Landing and I feel as if my life is richer in the capitol." Sansa smiled, but Varys could see that there was a sadness behind her eyes. He wondered how to draw it out and confront it. However, it seemed it did that itself. She watched as Petyr and Tyrion walked together. She wished she could be open about their arrangement, be able to show him affection. Varys noticed this and smiled down at Sansa.
"If it helps, I know and I think that you have made the right decision." Varys whispered down to her and it comforted Sansa that her secret was not hers alone to keep, and also that someone had validated her choice.

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