Tyrion sat with Varys after their midday meal.
"The poor girl, first her sister and now this." Varys shook his head, pouring himself a glass of wine.
"What could he be waiting for?" Tyrion asked, knowing that Sansa would make the right man a wonderful wife. A knowing smile appeared on Varys' face and Tyrion leaned in in anticipation.
"Sansa is convinced that Baelish is attempting to court the Queen." Varys whispered, raising his eyebrows knowingly. Tyrion, however furrowed his in thought.
"But we know that he has feelings for her. Would he honestly give up love for power?" He asked in shock.
"That is the question. This is Littlefinger we are talking about. Perhaps the thought of being King is too irresistible to miss." Varys stated. Tyrion sat back in shock.
"But it will never happen. Daenerys will never go for Baelish. If not for his being in love with another woman, then his sheer lack of power." Tyrion stated, in shock of the situation.
"Perhaps you should speak to him. You have been married to Sansa before and we both care for her well being and if he is looking to propose to the Queen then he is not the right man for her and we must warn her." Varys assessed the situation.
"I have never heard you look out for another person like this before." Tyrion stated.
"What can I say? I like the girl and I don't want to see her broken again." He explained himself, causing Tyrion to nod in agreement.
"I shall speak to Baelish." Tyrion announced.

Petyr sat in his room, writing letters before dinner. He had thought about going to Sansa, but the Queen had said that she had been very upset that morning, so he decided that it was best for her if she were left alone. Petyr was so glad that Daenerys had been so approving of his idea of marriage between himself and Sansa. He knew that without her support, a marriage could never happen.
"She is such a wonderful girl and if she cares for you then I have no objections to a marriage." She rejoiced, becoming more comfortable in his presence that morning in the garden.
"But I shall have to ensure that what you say is true and that she does truly care for you." She warned and stated that she would speak to Sansa later that day. Petyr did so wish that she would reassure the Queen that she cared for him.

Sansa felt her palms begin to sweat as she sat with the Queen. She was unsure what this meeting was about and the uncertainty made her feel uncomfortable.
"I took a lovely walk with Lord Baelish this morning." Daenerys began and Sansa wondered if she had summoned her simply to gloat in Sansa's face, proving herself to be the winner of Petyr's affections.
"Yes, your Highness. Lord Baelish does prove to be stimulating company if he is in the right mood." Sansa complimented Petyr, speaking the truth.
"He spoke very highly of you." She stated and Sansa looked up in surprise and a strange kind of hope.
"I am glad, your Highness. I value Lord Baelish's opinion immensely. He is a fine man." Sansa once again sang compliments of Petyr, not wanting the Queen to think ill of him.
"Yes, yes he is. The woman who gained his favour would be lucky indeed." Daenerys studied Sansa's reaction and smiled as she blushed.
"Yes, lucky indeed." Sansa replied, looking down at her hands, wondering what kind of game Daenerys was playing with her.
"Lord Baelish spoke about your time together in the Vale." Once again, Sansa blushed and Daenerys smiled.
"Yes, he saved me from a terrible situation and for that I shall always be grateful." Sansa smiled up at the Queen and it seemed, Daenerys had all the information she needed.
"He cares about you very much." She stated and Sansa felt a stabbing pain, as if the Queen were rubbing her victory in.
"And I him." Her voice faltered for a minute and Daenerys smiled.
"That will be all. Have a lovely day, Lady Sansa." She dismissed her and Sansa left feeling both upset and confused.

Sansa sat beside Varys at dinner. Tormund and Brienne were not in attendance, due to having a private meal as an apology from Brienne by becoming too engrossed in her work and Daenerys dined with her closest friends. So that left only Varys, Petyr, Tyrion and Sansa at dinner. The air was thick with an uncomfortable tension as they picked at meats and fruits whilst they drank their wine.
"The dress that you made for the Queen was quite stunning, Sansa." Petyr commented and Sansa blushed.
"I am sure it is the Queen's beauty that enhances the dress." Sansa assured Petyr.
"That is not true. You are very talented, I have always said so." Petyr complimented Sansa, to which she thanked him. The conversation died down as they all ate and Petyr wondered what had happened, apart from the obvious departure of her sister to make her so glum. He wished he could ask her, but he felt uncomfortable doing so in the presence of Varys and Tyrion. As if Varys had read the situation, he looked down to Tyrion's empty plate and took advantage.
"I see that you have finished, Lord Tyrion. Let us take a turn around the city. I have matters to discuss with you and the night is so fine." Tyrion caught on and accepted Varys' invitation, leaving Sansa and Petyr alone.

Sansa watched as Petyr approached her and occupied the seat beside her.
"Sansa, my love. What is the matter?" He asked looked down at her quivering lip in curiosity and worry.
"I-I can't tell you." She whimpered, letting a tear fall down her cheek.
"Yes you can. You can tell me anything. You know that." He took her hands in his and looked down at her with intent. It took a while for Sansa to build the courage to admit her fears. But she supposed that now was just as good a time as any and she might as well say all and risk his anger than remain silent and be right.
"I fear I have lost your favour to the Queen." Petyr let his hands fall from hers, in absolute shock.
"I saw you this morning, in the gardens. She is so charming and wonderful and the Queen!" Sansa's words became quicker and more erratic. Petyr stopped her words by pulling her close and placing his lips softly against her's. Sansa felt her eyebrows raise, utterly confused by the entire situation.
"The Queen is a very charming woman, but you shall always be the woman for whom I favour." He looked into her eyes, reassuring her of his affection.
"But, this morning, you seemed so affectionate together." Sansa stated. Petyr chuckled, brushing the backs of his fingertips across her cheek.
"I wanted her to be fond of me because I was asking her a very important question." He stated and Sansa shook her head, utterly confused. Petyr smirked and took her hand.
"Come with me." He ordered softly, pulling her up.

Sansa wondered where Petyr was taking her. He led her out into the garden and Varys had been right in saying the night was beautiful. It was at the time of day when the sun has just settled past the horizon, but a warm glow still lingers. The flowers released a scent that Sansa could not get over, feeling herself become giddy. Petyr's hand still remained in her's and Sansa was still unsure as to what was happening. They stood in the most beautiful part of the gardens, that that looked over the entire city. Petyr then took both of Sansa's hands in his and looked deeply into her eyes, not needing to search to find what he sought.
"Sansa, the question I asked the Queen is not the question you suspect. She is a fine woman and I respect her immensely. But, I do not love her. The question I had to ask her concerned the woman I do love." He stated and Sansa felt her heart flutter.
"You have been through so much, felt so much pain. Some of which was my doing and I am eternally sorry." He apologised and his voice faltered for a moment.
"You shall never experience that pain again, so long as I am here with you. Sansa, I watched you grow from a childish girl to the strongest, most beautiful woman in the world. You have been hurt and I know my words are difficult to trust. But I want to prove to you, Sansa Stark, that you are worth all of the love in the world, that you are in the highest of favours, and shall remain there always." Sansa understood now what was happening and allowed her mouth to fall agape. Petyr lowered himself elegantly to one knee and looked up at Sansa, who had never appeared more beautiful in his eyes, with her mouth agape in pure sock and her eyes bright with anticipation.
"I asked your brother before we came to King's Landing and I have asked the Queen. I love you, Sansa Stark and I wish never to be away from you again. You are my light, my strength, my beauty and I could never imagine that I could love someone so much, yet here I am, a man made a fool in love." He chuckled at himself, sighing hearing Sansa's melodic giggle.
"I do not want your lands or your power. I want you, Sansa and you alone. Please, let me prove my love for you for the rest of my days and say that you will be my wife." He begged as his voice faltered, tears coming to his eyes. Sansa stood for a moment and looked down at the man which she could now admit to herself that she loved. He was down on his knees, begging for her to take him as her husband. She could not deny now that his feelings were genuine, she could not deny that he loved her, so, she took the leap.
"I love you, Petyr Baelish and every day I spend with you is the richest in my life. I accept your proposal." Sansa replied and pulled Baelish off of the floor. For a moment, he was in a state of pure shock, shock that she had accepted him, shock that his dream was becoming a reality. He held Sansa tightly in his arms, smelling the lemon scent on her skin and in that moment, he vowed that he would never let her go.

Little Wolf (Sansa/Petyr)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon