22 - Some Sunny Day

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'You got everything you need?' I eyed Lara's bag. The whole thing was filled to the brim with weapons.

'Yeah I think so.' She grinned at me, young eyes twinkling with anticipation for adventure. John came to stand beside me, a rough hand grasping my shoulder.

'You sure you wanna do this? Mickey's unpredictable-'

'She needs help. I want to reunite her with her mom.' Yanking the heavy bag to her shoulders, Lara adjusted the straps so it fitted properly. 'Whatever it takes.' She beamed. John gave a quiet sniff that was accompanied by a smirk. 'What?'

'Nothing. You just remind me of someone.' His blue eyes darted to look at me causing my cheeks to burn red.

'I kinda wish ya didn't have to leave.' Nick lamented, rubbing the back of his neck awkwardly.

'C'mon, you guys will be fine. Besides you got your deputy back now. She'll keep you safe and in line.' Lara gave me a cheeky wink and I bowed my head appreciatively. Things weren't one hundred percent back to normal but over the past few weeks I'd tried to rebuild my bridges, particularly with Nick. He was far from forgiving me for my betrayal but would at least tolerate my presence now. One day I would get my best friend back.

'Stay safe.' Kim pulled the young woman into a tight hug, Nick joining too.

'Thanks guys. You've been like parents to me.' Lara released from the embrace and turned to John. She stuck a gloved hand to him. 'See ya around Gramps.' John chuckled lightly, removing his grip from me and placing it around Lara's small fingers. He gave her a stiff shake and nodded. 'Will you keep an eye on him for me? Make sure he stays outta trouble. Wouldn't want him breaking a hip or anything.' She jested with me.

'Yeah I'll watch him.' I grinned, watching a wry smile curl up John's lip too.

'Right well, I better be making tracks. See you on the other side guys.' Lara gave us a final big wave before turning and heading for the gates of the village. The four of us watched her go in silence, bag bouncing on her back with each step she took.

'Could you two give me and the Dep a minute?' Nick broke the silence. I turned to look at him but his gaze remained on Lara.

'Yeah of course.' Kim ushered John away rapidly and a round lump formed in my throat. As the gates clanked shut behind Lara, Nick turned to me.

'I owe you an apology Dep.'

'Nick don't-'

'No listen. You put yourself on the line for us so many times, both then and now. I may not understand what the hell ya see in John Seed but you're still my best friend. I'm proud of you Dep. Despite everything, you've still come out on top.' I couldn't stop myself. As his sentence finished, I flung my arms around him and hugged him as tight as I could muster.

'I will try to be better.' I sniffled, trying to control the tears threatening my eyes.

'You're already the best.' Nick chuckled, patting me on the back. Pulling away, he smiled down at me. 'You joinin' us for dinner tonight?'

'Absolutely, we'll be right there.' I replied. Nick nodded happily and strode back towards the house. Softly, I padded up onto the veranda and gazed out over the walls of the village. The warm evening sun still shone, its heat pressing against my cheeks. Strong arms wound around my waist from behind and John's bearded chin rested on top of my head.

'Good talk?' He asked fondly, moving down to place a sultry kiss to the side of my neck.

'Yeah.' I mused, relishing the scratch of his hairs on my skin. 'They're making dinner.'

'Mm good, I'm starving.' John nipped at me mockingly and I sniggered.

'Down boy.' My fingers reached behind me and threaded into his hair. We stood there for a long while, appreciating the view. 'We're gonna be okay aren't we?' My words were quiet and absentminded. John gave me a gentle squeeze and placed another kiss on my collarbone.

'Yeah. You and me, we're always alright in the end.' He chuckled airily, the laughter fading into a familiar gentle hum. We'll Meet Again. It'd been a while since I'd heard it coming from him. Swaying in his arms slowly, I tilted my head back against his chest and synced my own hums with his. At long last, Hope County felt fully at ease with itself and the peace we had strived to find for so long presented itself with open arms.

Judgement (John Seed X Deputy OC)Where stories live. Discover now