6 - Under Siege

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Lara was causing trouble. A lot of trouble. Hijacking ethanol trucks, liberating outposts and stealing loot was just the beginning and the day she dragged a bedraggled Thomas Rush through the gates I knew we were in big trouble. I watched her talk to Rush, Carmina and Kim in the courtyard from the veranda. The twins wouldn't approve of this. Walking down the steps, I perched on a bench and listened in on their conversation.

'We'll be fine, Prosperity is doing great. I've brought back enough ethanol for you to upgrade the garage and make better weapons.' Lara folded her arms, Rush patting her on the back proudly.

'As your resident psychopath, I'd suggest fortifying the defences. Mickey and Lou aren't going to be your biggest fans right now.' I butted in, the four of them startled by my sudden appearance.

'What would you know about it?' Lara asked, annoyed at me taking away from her glory.

'More than you know.' I stated simply. I threw Kim a glance before sauntering off. She knew exactly what I meant.


That early evening the smell of barbecue radiated through my office door. Salivating at the mouth, I poked my head out and watched as everyone munched happily on their food. It was then that fireworks exploded over the compound, sending everyone into disarray. Mickey and Lou. Kim caught my eye and I gave her a 'I told you so' eyebrow raise before stepping out of the room and heading down onto the grass.

'We're going together!' Carmina argued with her father loudly.

'It's too dangerous! Let the Captain handle it!' Nick replied, holding onto his daughter's arm. Lara mounted a gun onto her back and started to make her way to the gates.

'Let me go dad!' Carmina yanked her arm away, taking her chance to bolt and reach Lara's side.

'Damn that girl is so stubborn!' He exclaimed, uneasily watching her go.

'Wonder where she gets that from.' Kim suppressed a smile, shooting me a pleading glance whilst Nick was distracted. Sighing, I unfolded my arms and pretended to act good samaritan.

'I'll go with them. If anyone here knows how the twins think it's gonna be me.' Cracking my back, I trudged after the two girls cursing Kim Rye under my breath. When did I get so fucking soft? A few yards outside of Prosperity, a group of Highwaymen stood waiting. Mickey in her blue hoodie smirked when she saw me, Lou carefully tossing a grenade into the air. Fireworks exploded from the vans, the loud noises hurting Carmina's ears. She winced a little as they squealed upon released before banging loudly in the air. Lara held up her gun angrily, Carmina following suit.

'Better put those down. You don't want to scare the kids.' Lou warned, a sick smirk on her face. Raising an arm, I pushed both of the guns down before sliding my hands into my pockets. I knew that kind of smirk well. There was a time when it spread across my face too.

'Carmina!' One of the kids tried to run towards her but was halted by Mickey with just a glare.

'Everything's gonna be okay!' Nick's daughter reassured them but the shakiness of her voice suggested she wasn't so sure if that was the case herself. Laughing, Mickey strode up to her before slapping her across the cheek.

'I'm sorry. I just don't like it when people lie to little kids.' Mickey stared Carmina down menacingly. I took my chance to butt in, turning up the charisma that had lay dormant for many years.

'C'mon now Mickey, you think hurting these kids will make you look tough?'

'Is that a challenge old man?' She cocked an eyebrow at me. 'I know you used to run this town but you ain't got the power anymore. We do. So shut the fuck up.'

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