14 - Tell Me A Story

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Boots crunching on the leaf ladened ground, I made my way back to Prosperity. I was a little surprised that Mickey and Lou had just let me leave without filling my back with bullets. My footsteps were the only sound in the quiet forest. They echoed softly, lost into the dark night each time my weight switched to the other leg. Branches hung over my head, blossoming with bright pink flowers. Casting my gaze up to the sky I took in dancing lights that were putting on a show for the stars. Pausing, it was only then that a suspicious rustle made my ears prick. Narrowing my eyes, I took a few steps forward and could hear it again. I knew the timing of those footfalls.

'Stop tailing me kid.' Shoulders relaxing, I glanced over and saw Carmina quietly emerge from the bushes. The Judge was close behind her, silent as always. 'You need to take some lessons from the freak over there.' Gesturing to the masked figure jokingly, it was only then I noticed the troubled look on Carmina's face.

'You were with the twins.' She nibbled at her lip nervously.

'I was.' I responded simply, turning to fully face them both.

'What did they want?' Carmina's fingers fiddled with the rope that held her rifle together. She was worried.

'They wanted to cut a deal with me. I told them where to go.' Shrugging it off, I continued my walk back to the village. Carmina ran to catch up with me.

'Wait really?'

'They offered me anything I desired in exchange for information from Joseph.' My hands found their way back into my jacket pockets as Carmina fell into step beside me. The Judge brought up the rear, always at least three steps behind us.

'But why? Why would you tell them no?' She seemed perplexed at my behaviour. Clearly she expected me to rat them all out.

'Because the only thing that I want they won't be able to give to me.' A thick lump formed in my throat and my brow creased.

'Oh... Harlow.' Carmina tugged at her hat awkwardly. 'S-sorry I didn't mean-'

'It's fine.' I cut her off, stemming the welling up that was threatening to glass over my eyes. This was not the time to cry.

'She's my godmother y'know?' Carmina spoke proudly. 'I never met her but from what dad's told me she was pretty badass.'

'Ha. Yeah you could say that.' A small smile tugged at my mouth.

'You probably know her better than anybody.' Carmina sighed wistfully, as though she wished she'd been a bigger part of Harlow's life.

'I spent 6 years underground with her. I'd hazard to say I know everything there is to know.' I murmured softly.

'What was her favourite colour?' Carmina asked with care. She tried to hide the excitement that grew in her stomach at the thought of learning more about her godmother.

'Green. She said it reminded her of the forests she used to hunt in as a kid. Same colour as her eyes.' My heart warmed like honey at the thought of her irises. So restless. Never able to not flit around and take everything in.

'Seems like she loved nature.' Carmina reached out and ran her fingers across a fern.

'She grew up surrounded by it. Never seen anyone work a bow like her.' I recalled, remembering the time she'd taken me into the woods. Her fingers pressed on my shoulders, breath heated against my neck as she helped me line up my shot.

'Dad says she was pretty loyal to the resistance. He was surprised to find out she was protecting you.' A heavy sigh emanated from Carmina, her fingertips retreating from the leaf and pressing back onto the cool metal of her gun.

'Harlow saved my life. She protected me despite the risks to herself and her friends.' My throat grew tight again. 'She's the bravest person I've ever met.'

'Not your brothers?' Carmina asked me, leaning forward to take in my facial expression.

'I don't want to talk about them.' My response was cold and the young girl nodded tightly, pulling herself upright again.

'Tell me more about Harlow then.'

'I'll put it this way kid. I've been addicted to so many things in my life. Sex, drugs, gambling, alcohol. You name it, I've done it. But Harlow. She's something else. I... I can't function without her. There's no antidote to ease the withdrawal symptoms. There's no shrink who can tell me how to move on. I just need her. She's like oxygen.' I hadn't realised how breathless I'd become. Taking a deep breath, it tickled the back of my dry throat and I had to cough to clear it.

'That's... intense.' Carmina seemed unsure of how to answer. That was when a slight peep of sound came from behind us and we both spun around. The Judge was wringing their gloved hands, stood in one spot.

'You alright mute?' I asked, tilting my head to the side. The black lenses bore into me as though they were searching for something. A chill flushed through the trees, Carmina tugging at her sleeves to stay warm. 'C'mon, let's get back.' Beckoning at the Judge to keep up, I upped my walking pace.

Soon we were back inside the gates of Prosperity. Carmina ran straight for the burning fire in the main house, raising her palms and heating her cold skin against it. Pausing, I held an arm out and stopped the Judge in their tracks.

'Feeling okay?' I asked. They simply grunted in response, tugging my arm out of their way and walking past to sit beside the Rye's daughter. Rubbing at my beard, I eventually made my own way over and perched on a nearby chair.

'What I don't understand is how you could sleep with the enemy? Didn't Eden's Gate mean everything to you?' Flames licked over one another, maintaining their height and intensity.

'It did.' My blue eyes stared into the bright orange flickers that danced before me. 'But towards the end, she started to mean more than the project ever could.'

'You mean-' Carmina started but I interjected before she could finish.

'I loved her. I still do.'

Judgement (John Seed X Deputy OC)Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ