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In the dark forest, the tall man with antlers stood, with his arm around a beautifully regal dark haired woman. Her cat like eyes were deep and filled with unknowable emotion.

"So that is one link forged to fight for right." he said with satisfaction. She leaned her head against him with an indulgent sigh. Typically male. One victory was not the whole battle. It was good to see love win for once though.

"Yes, my love, it is. One for the side of light. A victory and a defeat."

She swept her slender hand over a pond beginning to shine in the early morning sun and they seen the Prince of Prisma furiously running through his forest and melting into the trees as his pursuers lagged behind and lost him.

"Our Prince is on the run. The council finally turned on him."

"He escaped." Herne pointed out, concern in his dark eyes.

The man crouched in the shadows and watched his pursuers pass him. He rested his head against the tree, closing his eyes as the ancient trees loyally hid him in their midst.

"For now." she added softly. "He has no allies, but his people and his land. The people could be misinformed easily. He sent his divinely bestowed bodyguard out on a secret mission years ago. He will have to protect himself until help can arrive."

"He is a prince, not a common man."

"And that may be his downfall."


Darkon closed his eyes and tried to calm his frantically beating heart. He had not expected them to act so soon. It was pure chance that a guard had overheard one of the older council members talking and had remembered where his loyalties lay. He had the man's name and he would be rewarded. Damn them! He sent his mind out into the vast reaches of the dimensions to his guard.

"What's wrong, Your Majesty?" Her calm collected voice bolstered him and he breathed a deep sigh of relief.

"How close are you to completing your mission?" he asked without answering. If his guard found out he was in danger, the mission would be abandoned. There was silence for a moment as she collected her thoughts.

"This world is strange, my prince. I have had some luck. There are traces of his presence everywhere. I have also found that the old diplomatic bounds are starting to grow. They have a new Queen. I'll contact her to seek her aid."

"Try to hurry. Things grow desperate. There are signs of unrest. Nothing I can't handle for now. I will need his help, if I am to succeed in overthrowing the Council. His and anyone else you can manage."

"I'll see what I can do."


In Mt. Olympus, Ladon approached Hera. He knelt in front of her, head bowed in respect, his eyes gleaming at what he was about to request. He was walking a thin line here, but times were getting desperate. His own people doubted his leadership abilities, because of his refusal to challenge Zeus. He had sent Ares to his own temple to plan. This was for him to do. There had to be some sign given that he was still worthy of them. Worthy to lead them after so long a sleep.

"I did as you asked, my queen. May I request a boon of you?" His rich voice was formal and rang out in the pillared hall. He knew well that Zeus was watching. Relished the fact that he was for the moment. It was a moment for subtle revenge and he hoped Hera seen it for what it was. She took insult easily and this could be easily misunderstood.

"Of course he may." the king's sneering voice answered as she opened her mouth to respond. Ladon's blue eyes darkened at the show of disrespect to both him and his queen. "It's customary to give a valued servant a boon for jobs well done." Ladon's eyes burned blue with anger and he clenched his fists tightly at his sides. He took a deep breath and kept his eyes on her. Her eyes were confused. She did not know what he was planning. Good.

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