Chapter Twenty One

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Varagon and the brothers continued to argue, the tension getting thicker and thicker. No one noticed the muscles in Julius' chest tense, then relax multiple times. Ladon let out a ferocious roar that silenced everyone.

"Stop this senseless arguing. You're feeding the beast inside all three of you with every bitter word. Julius is..."

"Chained. Bound. He's contained right now. He'll live." Rain said scornfully. Ares stepped forward now, eyes a cold black.

"If you're not careful, you won't." Rain opened his mouth to retaliate and Leigh stepped in front of him even as Ladon growled at Ares. There was silence, thicker than ever.

A whistling bolt broke the silence as it sped towards Julius' heart. His eyes met Wendy's right before it would hit. Her eyes were filled with regret. Not regret that he would die. Regret that she hadn't done it first.

It never found his heart. Varagon launched himself in front of it and it stuck in his shoulder. It burned and grated as it twisted. Damn that hurt. More than it should actually.

This was no ordinary bolt. It had been borne of magic. He gripped the end of it and started to rip it out. Micaro's urgent voice reached him.

"Don't, Varagon. It will take your entire arm with it. It's set to detonate. Right, Reaper?" Varagon's head lifted and he seen who had shot him. Reaper stood there with two men. Shawn and Flash. Reaper lowered the crossbow and met Varagon's gaze squarely, not flinching at the heated anger he seen in them.

"He needs to die, Varagon. He's sick. He kills for pleasure and his own enjoyment."

"He's not like that right now." Micaro stepped up beside Varagon in between the three and Julius. Reaper shrugged his broad shoulders, looking at Julius with burning eyes.

"All the better. He won't resist." he returned shortly.

"He allowed himself to be bound. By a member of your team, Reaper. That forbids his execution unless the member wills it." Micaro pointed out.

Reaper looked startled to have his own doctrine used against him so effectively. Ladon and Ares exchanged looks. This could be used later.

"Who bound him?" Wendy stepped forward with an arrogant stride.

"I did. And I agree with them on one thing. You can't kill him." Everyone looked at her in shock as Julius smiled slightly, knowing what her next words would be.

"Reaper! Does it matter who does it?" Julius called out, before Wendy finished. Reaper looked at him, his lip curled.

"No, as long as you die."

"Then let her do it." he nodded toward Wendy. He knew something they didn't. He met Varagon's gaze and Varagon felt an old connection snap back into place.

"Let them unbind me. The circle will hold. Those two mean to kill everyone. Reaper is a damn fool for trusting them. They don't work for him. I don't know who but its not a second rate mage with commitment issues."

"I can't let them kill you. I won't let them."

"At least let them try. Come on, frater. You can't have all the fun."

"What is it, Reaper? Scared that she couldn't do it?" he dared both of them softly. They dragged him forward in front of Wendy. Micaro jumped towards them. Angelina looked away and Rain hid Leigh's face against him. Violence hurt her more. Already tears were coursing down her face.

"Wait. You'd make an enemy die on his knees, Reaper? Why not let your guides cut him loose? The circle is binding. Let him die standing at least." Micaro said. Varagon masked his smile as Micaro picked up on the messages without missing a beat. So maybe he had potential.

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