Chapter three

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My eyes blinked open and I saw that I was still under piles of burnt wood my head was spinning and my leg was throbbing in pain.

My body was in deep pain but I knew the only way to end it was to fight through it. I struggled to get free I tried moving forward but I was stuck then I heard a noise that nearly sent me into a panic attack my heart was racing and the cold breeze tingled the top of my neck so I knew I was close to air the gunshot fired again and it was getting closer.

I heard the wood on-top of me getting thrown to the ground then a man with long curly Brown hair pulled me out of the pile. Then his face lite up when he saw me "oh my sweet darling I thought ye were dead" he said hugging me.

"um excuse me Hagrid looking man but who are you" I asked the man he looked at me and said "oh Lonnie ye haven't changed a bit". He hugged me again "sir you've got the wrong person my names Jenny not Lonnie" I explained to him each word seamed to mean nothing to him.

The man looked at me like I was someone he has knew his whole life. "I am ye dad Lonnie ye are Lonnie Hagrid and I am Rubeus Hagrid" he told me. This man is crazy I thought to myself but he does look exactly like Hagrid and if he is my dad I would be part of the harry potter world and no one knows where that portal is.

My head spun as my thoughts wondered into space the man looked at me and kept saying that he was Hagrid then I knew I hit my head and I was still under the logs of wood.

I woke up under the piles of wood again and I stayed there for what seems like hours then my thirst got the best of me and I died.

I wrote this as an angel and I hate happy endings so I like to end on a tragic and sad ending this is the End and camp creep was no longer a camp it was now a pile of burnt wood

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