Chapter two

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A person emerged from the fire he wore a long black cloak that dragged along the ground behind him.

I went up to him "sir do you know how this happened" I asked him he looked at me with his big red eyes then he whispered under his breath. "sorry what was that sir" I asked "a mixture there real" he said a smile spread across his face I was feeling very creeped out.

Then he ran away I wonder what he meant I wondered I started to search the camp for my old cabin. After a long search I found it ,it was burnt to a crisp except but still standing I looked inside it and saw my old bag that I packed my stuff into when I stayed there.

I looked inside it to find it was mostly all gone except my old diary the lock was picked and my pen was out of ink but I still took it and started to walk away but before I could reach the door I heard a loud snap then a tree fell on top of my cabin I fell to the ground and the tree crushed my cabin making it collapse.

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