Chapter 6: Impulses

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Enjoy some folklore fuck, I missed writing about him so much. ;-;

(Slight NSFW themes in this chapter, read at your own discretion) 

(Korekiyo's P.O.V)

He fucking loved this. His entire body internally shook and ached with anticipation. He held exactly what he wanted in his own two bandaged hands, the object of his desire. His eyes could barely focus, darting from word to word, as if it was shifting languages on the page. His fingers twitched, reflectively reaching out to touch the leather bound book. She used her best sketchbook for this, a dark red leather with vines and roses beautifully hand painted on the crimson cover. The attention to detail drove him nuts, the amount of time and dedication this took. He knew, just by looking at the little volume note in the corner of the binding that there was more than one sketchbook devoted to him. The mask around his mouth felt almost suffocating, and he longed to tear it off his face and inhale the unfiltered sweet scent of her room. He was going fucking nuts over this. His hungry yellow eyes snapped up, meeting her (E/C) ones. His sudden eye contact caused her to flinch and sink back in her chair. He had never seen her tremble before someone before, or at least not in the time he had known her. Externally, she was solid steel with a barricaded door. No one knew what she didn't want, probably adaped from someone as commonly critisized as none other than Miu Iruma. She'd never let anyone in whom she didn't feel even and equal with... So for someone to unintentionally see her so vulnerable, to her, must be the equivalent of instant emotional suicide. Her limbs subtly twitched under the weight of his gaze, deep eyes full of nothing but fear. Absolute fear. He never wanted to scare her, but regardless, he was getting more than he bargained for. He was finally piecing together the anomaly that was (F/N) (L/N), the well renowned Ultimate Sketch Artist of Hopes Peak Academy. The girl was an oxymoron in itself. Hard but gentle, frightened but fearless, reserved yet transparent, honest yet deceptive. She was everything and more, and he wanted to fully understand it all. He wanted all of who she was and all of what she will ever be. The twists and turns that made up her maze of a mind set him ablaze, a beautiful reminder of how much he loved human beings.

Now here he is, sitting directly in front of (F/N) with the one thing he had ever wanted from her. He finally got it, barely able to externally control his elation.

He got her attention.

His hand wiggled it's way between the cover and the first page, slowly caressing his fingers along the inner contents as he kept his eyes locked on her stuff figure. He could tell through her closed lips that her teeth were clamped down on her tongue, a meek and violent attempt to keep her from screaming into open air and admitting defeat. Her nails were digging into her palms, he could just barely see the pink starting to slowly ooze out from between her fingers. What could possibly be in the notebooks that she didn't want him to see, to the point she would quietly mutilate her palms and hold her tongue? Regardless, the answer was in the book that he held in his grasp. He could look inside and piece all the missing parts together, getting that much closer to understanding her. 

He flinched for a moment, unable to take his eyes off of her unstable figure. She shook with grief as he heard her stifle soft sobs, shifting uncomfortably in her seat as she quickly clasped her hands together, weak eyes staring right into him. She was pleading him not to look, not to utter another word and to pretend this never happened. As much as he wanted to comply to her wishes, a slow burn within him kept his devious train of thought going, going fast. The more he tried to stop them, the more they slammed against his skull and roared at him to give in to his desire.

His eyes slowly panned down from her crimson red face to the equally crimson red notebook. He made up his mind, biting his lip as he flipped the cover wide open...

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 24, 2019 ⏰

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