Chapter 2: In Sickness and in Health

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(Your P.O.V)

You finally made it to your dorm room, resting your body against the door frame as you fumbled with your keys. You were panting like a dog, attempting not to let yourself puke until you got into the safety of your room. You found the (f/c) painted key, and shoved it into the lock. You jiggles it for a moment before it finally turned, and you threw the door open. You stumbled back into your room and slammed the door shut behind you, locking it. You ran over to your couch and slammed your body on it, grabbing the trash can next to you and pulling it close. You leaned over your couch and into the trash can, coughing and gagging as you relieved yourself of what little was in your stomach.

"W-Why the hell am I so... F-fucking sick!?" You gasped, relieving yourself yet again, clutching on to the trash can with a force strong enough to turn your knuckles white. You nearly started sobbing into the trash can, now only able to dry heave. You continued to gasp for air, letting out a few pained yelps and you gritted your teeth together. You could handle anything life threw your way, except when it came to getting violently ill. You hated nausea and stomach aches, they knocked you over more than any physical blow to the face could. You could stand your ground when fighting one of the strongest guys in the academy, but you get knocked flat on your ass when you feel any sort of nausea come on. You sat there, hyperventilating into the trash can that held your half digested udon and miso soup. You forced yourself to sit up and threw your back against the couch, sliding down onto your side. Your hair, thankfully, was already pulled out of your face, so none of your hair got into the mess at the bottom of the garbage can. You sat there, completely motionless, and all you could hear was your ragged breathing and the soft hum of the fan at the other end of your room. It was just white noise for a while, you being too terrified to move as it may cause you to start dry heaving again. Were you really that dehydrated? You had shown no signs of being sick until you reached the food court, and the only thing you felt beforehand was a bit of dizziness. There was no way you were sick, you were fine beforehand. Suddenly, a soft knock emanated from behind the door, followed by a short pause before a voice from the other side spoke.

"(F/N), are you in here?" It asked, you being unable to identify the voice.

You sat there completely silent, unable to muster up enough energy to tell them you were on the couch.

"May I come in?" It spoke again, followed by another long pause.

You still couldn't find your voice, as it was lost somewhere in the neverending wave of nausea that racked your body. You still continued to lay there, the only thing your body allowed you to do was heavily breathe. The door clicked open, and in stepped a tall man with long black hair and a dark green jacket. It was none other than Korekiyo, who carefully shut the door behind him and slowly made his way up to you. His eyes were full of worry as he cautiously stepped towards you, almost as if he was trying not to wake a sleeping bear. As he approached you, you noticed him swiftly set a plastic bag beside the couch. You looked up at him with tired eyes, and you could feel tears pricking at the corners of your (E/C) orbs. You weren't emotionally upset, but rather, your body was in so much pain that your only natural response was to cry. You couldn't move, so all you could do was cry. Yet, with what little strength you had, you held it back.

Crying is for pussies... You thought to yourself, ready to beat yourself up for it.

"You look deathly pale." Korekiyo breathed, staring down at you in shock. He sighed and held out his hand to you, as if he was expecting you to take it.

"Would you like me to rub your back?" he softly asked.

You couldn't move, not even able to nod your head to confirm your need. Instead, you just continued to stare up at him, pleading with your big (E/C) eyes. He got the message, taking a seat next to your limp body. He reached his hand behind you and lightly rested it against the small of your back, moving it in small rhythmic circles. You let out a soft sigh, indicating that it was ever so slightly alleviating your pain.

Bound by Attraction (Korekiyo Shinguji x Reader Fanfiction)Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ