Chapter 5: Sweet Little Games

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(Your P.O.V)

This section contains QUITE a bit of NSFW, read at your own risk. 

You shoved open the doors of the library, the smell of old books enveloping you as you made your way inside. In most cases, you would stop and take in the ancient atmosphere that you loved so much. You may even cozy yourself up in the small room adjacent to the front desk, snuggle up in a worn chair and read by the old fireplace. Possibly even shove yourself in the corner of the room and practice drawing whoever happened to stop by. But not today. You had a masked man to find, and you needed to know if he was okay. You quickly made your way along the rows of books, peeking down each path to see if the ultimate anthropologist was between any of the shelves. As you traveled farther down the library, a small pit formed in the middle of your stomach. He wasn't anywhere to be found. You quickened your pace and only now glanced down each path, worried he may have been found by someone less desireable. You knew he wasn't the most popular at the academy, nor was anyone else in your group. So the thought of him being beaten and dragged away wasn't too far from a realistic outcome. Your body froze in the middle of one of the aisles, your eyes locked on the floor before you. There was a ladder laying haphazardly in the middle of the floor, and a few books were scattered around it. You took a step forward, your feet moving on their own as you approached the fallen ladder. 

"Was Kiyo here...?" You muttered to yourself, wrapping your arms around your waist in worry.

You sat yourself on your knees in front of the array of books, outstretching your arm to grab one of the books. You slid your hand underneath it and pulled it towards you, setting it in front of your knees. You flipped open the cover to find the words "ancient Chinese rope work" neatly printed on the first page. You were slightly taken aback by the title, knowing Kiyo had said this was for a research paper. Why was he doing a school study on something like this?

"Why is he studying... Bondage?" You quizzed, reaching forward to grab another book from the scattered array before you.

The book was a just bit too far, and you were too lazy to get up. You outstretched your body and leaned forward, getting on your hands and knees to reach for it. A few soft noises of annoyance emanated from you as you bent forward even father to reach for it, digits outstretched in a struggle to retrieve the book without actually having to get up. 

"If you truly wanted the book so badly, you could have just asked me to grab it for you." Teased a voice from behind you.

You shrieked in bewilderment and quickly jumped to your feet, spinning around the meet none other than the object of your search. There he was, Kiyo Shinguji, standing before you with a shit eating grin just barely visible from under his mask. He loved to tease you way too much, and usually you'd just laugh it off, but you weren't having it today. He made you worry only to play a game of hide and seek. This wasn't like him, and it wasn't an enjoyable change either. You put your hand on your hip and pointed an accusing finger at him, scrunching up your nose in annoyance.

"Can you not sneak up on me like that?!" You shrieked, stomping your foot on the ground, hard enough to cause the shelves around you to shake. This only caused Kiyo to laugh, taking a step towards you, unaffected by your menacing gaze and gritted teeth. 

"My my, the mighty mouse has a mighty stomp, large enough to shake the world. I believe I've heard this is an old story that originated in... What was it now, the states?" He pondered, taking yet another step closer to you. Your finger still jutted out in his direction with your face still stained with anger. This was really starting to piss you off.

"You'll strain your face if you keep up that scolding mask, (F/N)." He mused, taking yet another yet another step. He was getting quite close to you at this point, and your facade was dropping. He could see it loud and clear, yet you didn't know how. With Miu being your best friend, if you so much as sent a glare someone's way, they'd avoid your gaze and quickly hurry away before you could so much as say another word. You were intimidating, to say the least, learning the tricks of the trade from Miu. While she was verbally and physically brash when annoyed, you were always subtle until this very moment. And that's where you think you messed up.

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