"We tried to move but our lease keeps us there. We still have a year left."  I sigh sadly.

"And you and Jared did all of this in five months?" She frowns in thought, just as surprised as I am that I fought so hard.

Nodding timidly, I continue thinking. It's July now so that means we have another year left in our lease before we can move. If we break our contract we risk being taken to court for breech of contract. And that leads to fees we can't afford to pay for right now.

My parents offered to help with finances but I can't allow it.  They have their own bills. Plus, they're still paying on their student loans. Which is costs an arm and a leg in itself.

The sudden sound of my ringtone forces me to dig through my satchel. Without glancing in my therapists' direction, I anaylze my ringing phone. Oh crap, it's my alarm. I forgot I set it for nine.

Tonight is my parent's twenty first anniversary dinner. They've been married for twenty one years and it's such a beautiful, wonderful thing. They met and fell in love in high school at the ages of fifteen and sixteen. But when my mom conceived me at sixteen, her parents forbid her from seeing my dad. So once she turned eighteen she moved out and got engaged to my dad.


Once I step out of her office, I'm greeted by my handsome, supportive fiance.

He's dressed in a moss colored dress shirt with dark denim jeans. He looks appropriate with his short, dark hair.

"You look better than me," he compliments, making me blush.

In all actuality, everything about him makes me blush and smile. I love every inch of Jared and he knows it. From his gorgeous, contagious  smile with pearly white teeth, to his smoldering cerulean eyes that capture mine in an instant; he still makes me nervous in a good way. God, I love this man.

"Even on my worst day?" I raise a questioning brow at his frowning face.

"Everyday," he chuckles at his cheesy response while I just shake my head.

"Lying isn't good," I say while straightening my flowy, rose pink dress.

He wraps his arms around my waist to pull me in a tight hug.

Breathing softly I hug back, allowing myself to be enamored in his strong, protective hold. With contented silence over us, he brings his lips to mine. We kiss for a moment; which to me, feels like an eternity. I can never get tired of his kisses.

"I'm happy to see you too," I notice the wide smile appear on his delectable lips once he pulls away. His hands clutch my cheeks while I continue grinning at him. Yeah, I love him. And in this moment, I know he still loves me too. I can see it in his eyes.

"How are you feeling?" He asks once we pull out of our embrace.

"Okay, I guess." I was doing great until he bought it up. Now my mind has switched to the previous events of these past couple of weeks. It's been two weeks since those mysterious notes and pictures appeared, and I don't know what to do anymore. It has always been too much for me.

"Av, I'm really trying here. Can you just talk to me? I'm trying to help you." He says while opening my car door.

"No, you're trying to annoy me more. Why does that have to be the center of our conversation all the time?" I shake my head while strapping myself in. 

With an annoyed huff, he closes my door before walking over to his side.

The rest of the drive was done in silence. Jared remained quiet while I remained stoic. He could sense my emotionless state because he'd glance at me every few minutes. I know he's worried about me but right now nothing he can say will make me feel better.

As we pull into the driveway of my parents house, I can't help but start to feel bad for my previous outburst. I shouldn't have said that to him.

Turning my head, I'm shocked when I'm met with a half smile.  His savory pink lips spread wider the longer we stare at eachother. I watch him burst into sudden laughter before it infects me too.

"Ah, there's the smile I needed to see." He says sweetly.

Once we step out, hand in hand, I notice something else.

"That car wasn't there before was it?" I stare at the dark car parked across from my parents house. It's illuminated under the bright street lamps, making it glisten. If I squint hard enough I can see the outline of someone sitting in the driver seat.

"I think that one car is the least of our worries."

We gape at the line of police cruisers parked in front of my parents house. They're parked all down the dark street. Worry and fear attacks my insides, forcing me to grip Jared's arm tighter.

Every light in the house is on and the commotion from the inside can be heard outside as well. I don't know what's going on but I'm praying my son is okay.

"Danny!" I shout  while running up the stairs to my parents' home.

I don't give a second thought as I burst through the door with heaving shoulders.

The scene before my eyes makes my entire being stock still, staring in shocked awe. Police are everywhere, even bumping into Jared and I.

The entire living room is trashed. The chairs and end tables are overturned while the  plasma t.v. is completely knocked over. Glass shards scatter over the carpet like glitter.

A bright flash attacks my eyes, forcing me to squint. The busy, low murmurs of the officers infects my eardrums with dread the longer I stand in the doorway, panicking.

"There were..two of them, I think."

I hear a woman's soft voice from the dining room. My mother.

"And no one else was hurt, correct?"

I hear her sniffle then say,

"Adam...was the...only one hurt. He was pushed...into the... television. Danny is upstairs... sleeping."

Oh no. Was he here? Did he come for me? I need to get Danny. I need to know that he's okay. I tell myself to move, to talk, but anxiety gets the best of me.

"And you said there were two men in masks, right?"

Silence. I can't see anyone because my eyes are still glued to the floor.

"Did they take anything?" The officer presses.

Jared pulls my arm, forcing me out of my state of alarm.

Tears well in my eyes when I see my mom crying. She is sitting next to my dad who is holding an ice pack to his forehead.

"No, they...didn't take... anything." She shakes her head. The distraught is clear in her hazel eyes.

"Okay then, were they looking for someone?"  The overweight officer asks.

Her sorrow filled eyes flash to me before quickly looking away.

"No..." Is all she says. The hesitance in her tone is overwhelming. The way she said it makes my stomach twist because I know she is lying. She is lying to protect me.

I know someone was here, and I know who they were looking for. I know because that person was me.

Unedited. It's not my best but I'll make it better when I have time. I have work in the a.m. so yeah. :/

Oh, and to let you know, I'll update between October 15th- December 1st. The reason being, I'm busy with real life and my other books.


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