Now he was getting to the point.

"Miss me? We just had dinner together back at the hospital." She scoffed.

Deciding to move to her room she exited the kitchen. Her eyes casually fell on the apartment door and she did a double-take. She stopped dead in her tracks and her breath hitched in her throat. She suddenly felt cold fear seeping into her bones. 

Perhaps her boyfriend also sensed something was wrong. She could hear him trying to talk to her with alarm evident in his tone but she couldn't make out what he was saying.

Because right in front of the door were her father's shoes but she hadn't seen him inside the apartment nor had she heard him come in after her.

Fear gripped her chest as she searched the apartment for her father but he was nowhere to be found. The phone was still gripped tightly in her hands and she called out to her Dad.

"Dad! Where are you? Are you home?"

No answer.

This didn't make any sense he always wore those shoes to work even this morning she had seen him wearing the same pair of shoes.

Had he came in before her and left? Maybe she was panicking for no reason, the recent events were starting to get to her.

She shook her head and realized her boyfriend was still on the line.

"Sorry! It's nothing. I just got distracted, I'm fine. No need to worry," She tried to calm her boyfriend down who by now was worried sick.

"You scared me so bad! I thought something happened! Never mind, I'm coming to pick you up and that's final!" His voice was shaking as he uttered those words in urgency.

She sighed, there was no persuading him otherwise now. She decided to move to her room to wait for him but she stepped on something. Looking down her eyes took notice of the stark and slightly crushed daisy that lay on the floor.

Not further she found another one, in fact, there were a dozen of them lined perfectly in the direction of her father's room.

Had they been there before? Wasn't the room spotless a few moments ago? 

She gulped as she bent down to pick the daisy up and examine it.

"Don't hang up, OK? I'll be there soon," She answered in the affirmative and then slowly opened her father's door. The phone clutched tightly in her hands, giving her a bit of reassurance.

As expected, the flowers were present inside the room in a perfect queue towards the direction of the closet. Her heart sank when she realized the room had been spotless a few moments ago.

Meaning whoever had put them here, was inside the apartment right now with her. She tried to talk to her boyfriend but no voice came out of her mouth instead her speech kept getting horribly slurred.

"Some -- someone's ... someone's h - here," She breathed, stuttering uncontrollably.

"What? Who there? Talk to me! Jisoo? Hello?!" She could hear the voice of her boyfriend screaming but she was rendered speechless due to fear.

With shaky legs, she made her way towards the closet where a particular piece of cloth still peeked outside. After a few fumbling attempts she managed to open the closet. It took a moment for her mind to register what horrific sight lay inside the closet.

"For fuck's sake answer me! I'm almost there! Stay with me, Sooya!"

And the next moment she was screaming her head off. Her phone slipped from her fingers as she covered her face and screamed in horror.

It didn't matter that her boyfriend would be here in a few moments. Because he was already here, pouncing on her like a predator would on his prey. He rushed towards Jisoo from behind while she was busy screaming her head off. With a piece of cloth clutched tightly in his hand. He placed the cloth firmly against Jisoo's mouth.

Pinned against her captor, Jisoo could only flail her arms helplessly like a fish out of water. He was stronger than her. Even if she wasn't pinned against him it was unlikely she could do much. The horrific sight inside the closet had made her lose her grip on sanity.

Blood dripping from the closet and the sound of her boyfriend screaming from the other line was the last thing she heard before her body went limp in his arms. 

She couldn't help but think... familiar his embrace felt.

I'm so excited about this! Hope you guys enjoy this as much as I enjoyed writing it

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I'm so excited about this! Hope you guys enjoy this as much as I enjoyed writing it.

Let me know your thoughts and don't forget to vote if you want to make me even more excited to write this ;)

Happy reading!

Word Count: 1,457
Song of the Book: One way or Another - Until the ribbon breaks


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