My Sister's Keeper

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Danielle woke up to the sound of her mother banging on the door of her room. "Get up and get going before you're late for school!" Danielle sat up in the bed and shouted " mom, I'm up jeeze!" Her curly brown hair in a fluffy mess on top of her head. "Whew Chile let's get something done with that birds nest eh" Danielle shot a glance at her sister Cassandra who was sitting on her already made up bed, fully dressed with not one hair out of place. Danielle always considered Cassandra to be the pretty twin.
"Shut up Cass" Danielle said halfheartedly. Cass let out a soft giggle. "C'mon Danny before mom gets into another one of her MOODS! And if that happens you can count out the party tonight. We've only been waiting for it for a whole year!"
"Fine. You're right Cass"
Danny got up and got dressed at the speed of light. She and Cass rushed down the stairs where their mother sat at the kitchen table glaring as they said their goodbyes and walked out the door and off to school. At school Danny had to run to her locker before 1st period to grab her binder, she was twisting her lock as Jason walked up to her and posted up on the locker next to her. Now Jason was your typical bonehead jock and he dated Cass for a few months last year and it ended badly"So you're coming to the party tonight right?" he asked obnoxiously. Danny wanted to spit in his face and slap him into the next semester, but instead she answered "of course, wouldn't miss it for anything " she yanked open her locker, grab her binder and walked off before she landed herself in Detention behind this jerk.
Danny sat a secluded table by herself and waited for Cass to come join her. While she sat alone Myla came and sat down next to her and Danny's eyes grew as big as lemons. "Uh can I help you?" Danny asked, puzzled.
Myla giggled " word is, you're coming to the party tonight" "Yeah and?" Danny really couldn't stand the nosey bitch. "Well I thought maybe you wouldn't dare show your face know what happened to your sister" Myla said coyly. Danny could feel her face turn red and then she spotted Cass walking in her direction. "I suggest you go find someone else to bring that bullshit to because I am NOT here for it. " Myla got up and snickered "well I guess I'll see you tonight then" she twitched off passing Cass without so much as a glance. Cass sat down across from Danny "well what did that bitch want?" Danny rolled her eyes," the usual, to spread mess." "Ugh cheerleaders I'll tell ya, I swear drama queen must be a mandatory requirement when they try out" Cassandra snorted.
Cass and Danny prepared for the party. They decided tonight was a good night to be as identical as they could be. They both wore a pair of hip hugging distressed jeans, a black fitted tank and pair of simple thong sandals. They both wore their curly hair up in a messy bun and a pair of gold hoop earrings. They topped of the look with a bit of Mascara and a nude lip gloss. The look was effortless.
They crept downstairs to find their mother in a booze induced coma on the couch as usual. It took no effort to sneak past her and out of the door. Once they arrived to the party, they walked right in and separated. It was necessary for people not to see them together for what they had planned. They got to work. There were drunk teens everywhere, all over the house. Perfect. Danny found herself cornered by Jason yet again. " well now isn't this dejavu" he grabbed her around the waist and tried to pull her towards him. " hands off creep!" Danny snatched away from him. " I see you're not as friendly as your sister was" he said as he smiled and reached for her again. This time she slapped him and tore through the crowd of drunk adolescents. Tears stung her eyes as the remark she made played through her mind. She knew what she and Cass had to do what they came to do. After about 15 minutes She looked around for Cass and spotted her outside in the pool area looking at everyone enjoying a cool dip in the summer heat. There was a DJ set up by the pool playing the music so loud you could barely hear yourself think.
Danny felt a tap on her shoulder and she turned around. It was Myla. "So you really had the nerve to show your face here and not to mention you have the nerve to hit on my boyfriend!" Danny looked confused "excuse me what?! ME?! hit on JASON?! HE FUCKING WISHES!" Myla folded her arms and looked Danny up and down. "Your a slut just like like your sister. Twins identical in EVERY WAY!!" She turned and walked off. Danny looked over to see Cass was gone. She didn't see her anywhere. Had Cass flaked? Or was she somewhere in danger, like last year? Danny began to Panic until her attention was caught by Myla suddenly throwing up all over the kitchen floor. She began to caught up blood and she was screaming hysterically, Danny looked around and saw that others were vomiting as well, all over the house and in the pool. She looked around in disbelief and smiled. It was happening, she and Cass had done it. She was surrounded by horrifying screams of her schoolmates as she watched them drop to their knees to cough up blood and chunks of their insides. To Danny it was a beautiful sight and a beautiful sound. She couldnt help but to enjoy the moment and she skipped amongst her peers and over to the DJ booth, she pushed the DJ and all of his equipment into the pool turning it into a giant crockpot. She watched as the jolt of electricity pulsed through all of their bodies cooking them from the inside out. In a matter of seconds the pool was full of floating corpses. Danny went back into the house stepping over dead bodies including that of Jason's and Myla. The house was silent. The music had stopped, the laughter had stopped. There was only a stench of vomit and bowels left from the party.
Danny walked towards the front door and opened it to see two cops standing in front of the door.
4 hours later
Danny Sat in the interrogation room nervous and jittery. The detective sitting at the table across from her stared at her until it made her uncomfortable. His partner was waiting outside of the room observing with her mother.
"So Danielle, tell me about your sister"
Danny squirmed in her seat. " what do you mean tell you about her? "
The detective looked down at a folder on the table and looked back at Danny. "I mean just tell me about her" Danny looked confused "look if you're trying to figure out where she is, i dont know ok, I haven't seen her since earlier tonight at the party." It was the detective's turn to look confused. He looked at the window knowing that on the other side his partner as well as Danny's mother had to be confused as well.
"Danielle, how is it that your sister was at the party tonight? "
Danny started to feel that something wasn't right. " we snuck out of the house earlier while our mom was sleep and came to the party. Somewhere around 9 pm I lost sight of her and now I don't know where she is!"
Danny said with frustration.
The detective took a deep breath. "Danielle I know where your sister is."
Danny looked slightly relieved "you found Cass? Where is she? Can I see her?!"
"Danielle, Cassandra is dead, has been for about a year now"
Danny couldn't believe what she was hearing. "NO!" She gasped and fought tears.
"Danielle your sister killed herself remember?"
Danielle began to sob uncontrollably, and as she did, her memory came back. Over a year ago Cass had snuck out of the house while Danny and their mom was sleeping, she had gone to the same party. She had been drinking with some of the other teens and Jason had approached her. At that point, he was her ex boyfriend. Cass dumped him a month earlier after he tried to pressure her into having sex. He was now dating Myla only because she was putting out but he was still very much lusting after Cass. He convinced Cass that he wanted a truce and offered her a drink. Unfortunately for Cass he roofied it. Cass couldn't remember anything that happened that night after accepting that drink. It wasnt until she got to school that she realized there was a video of her and and Jason appearing to have sex. She knew that she was unconscious but with the angle from which the video was taken, it was hard to determine whether she was conscious or not. Myla was raging with jealousy, so much that she spread a rumor about Cass being a slut and that was the reason that Jason broke up with her. It was an evil and vicious lie and it left Cass crushed. Their mother tried to press charges but Jason came from a filthy rich family who merely recieved slaps on the wrists for their wrong doings. Jason got off and Cass recieved no justice. She couldn't stand the humiliation anymore and she ended it all. Danny was the one who found her. In the bathtub. With her wrists split. Danny had clearly never come to terms with Cass's death. She couldn't cope with losing her best friend in the whole world. Her twin.
Danny stared past the detective into space. "I'm not sorry you know." Danny said coldly. I loved watching them choke on the rat poison cocktail I put in the punch bowls and the kegs. I loved the way their bodies pulsed as they were being electrocuted in the pool. It was the best feeling I've had in a long time"Every last one of those pieces of shit had to pay. Especially Jason." Then she began to laugh"
"What's so funny Danielle?"
Danielle paused for a moment between giggles and said " That filthy rich family of his won't be able to get him out of this one!"
She began to laugh hysterically while the detective looked in the direction of his partner and shook his head. Danny's mother was in tears.
8 months later
Danny sat on her bed staring out of the small barred window. The soft white walls gave her a sense of solitude. The other patients in the psychiatric ward left her to herself, and it was just the way she liked it. After all, she only needed the company of one person as she looked over to the corner of the room to see Cass sitting in her lounge chair with her legs folded in Indian style smiling back at her.

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