"hey ..what's wrong ?" he worriedly asked standing from his seat then went to sit beside you (Zack was sitting in front of you earlier forgot to mention lol)

"its...just .." you were hesitating wether to tell him or not, what if he just thought of you no different like others

"Do you also think of me as a slave ?"

Zack frozed after hearing what you said ,he never expect that you'd get affected by Doo's word ,and he also can't imagine that you would get anxious about it ,he pinched both your cheeks and make you look at him

"Let's make things clear here ,You're not my slave ,You're my amazona and you ,amazona is my ......friend He told you ,even though his explanation was kinda stupid ,you still appreciated it

He on the other hand ,can't directly tell you that you were something more to him cause if he did that , he might be screwed ,its not the right time yet he thought silently crying from the inside

" What the hell man,The way you explain things makes you more stupid" you teased trying not to get emotional at his stupid craps while wiping a fake tear at his stupidness

"Don't blame me for someone getting worried at some stupid craps "he fired back ,making you smack him gently in the shoulders

"well ,I'm just afraid of you ..thinking of me as a fuckin slave bruh ,you can just think of me as an extra character of your life and we don't know each other that is much better " you told him making him flinch at your words

"a world where we don't know each other ? " he mumbled

"yeah ,the real lookism in webtoon ,I don't exist there " you answered then quickly covered your mouth

"what ?"

"Don't mind me ,I was just joking ,you know I love to joke around"

" but what if we don't know each other " He once again went back to the topic ,his face was getting upset at the words that slipped on your mouth earlier

" well ,mira and you would most likely be a couple right now ,that isn't bad and its even great for you " You replied smiling sadly at the fact ,where will you be if you didn't exist

Maybe I'm in a true beauty fanfic you thought while smiling like a pervert remembering how handsome the guys were hehe (*true beauty is also a webtoon comic ,I suggest you read it if you still haven't)

You were taken back by Zack's action cause he suddenly but gently placed his head on your shoulder while looking down ,it seems like he doesn't like the idea that you just thought

"aren't you happy? you and mira are together ? "

"Living in a world without you ,is meaningless "he mumbled ,but you heard it loud and clear making a blush creep up to your face ,you didn't know how to reply or what to say to him ,what a bold thing to say out of nowhere

Is he confessing? Oh gosh please no !
I can't handle this kind of things ,please tell me you were joking ,yeah maybe it was just a joke so I can laught at this shit for him hahahahahah I'm.getting crazy
* brain malfunctioning *
*heart is getting wild and crazy *
*stomach producing butterflies*
*brain and heart looks at stomach in confusion *

Brain :is that even possible ?
Heart : Brain ,I thought you were smart ,why the hell would you ask me that?
Brain : well ,this isn't written in my book of knowledge and its not recorded in my other record books
Heart : Well ,I didn't know humans can produce butterflies
Brain: This body is very weird
Heart :Yeah ,I couldn't agree more than that

*back to what was happening

You don't what you would do with Zack who was leaning on your shoulder ,man I shouldn't have said that ,this man is quite sensitive and emotiinal today ,and that is weird crap

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