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I'm blurring the lines again.

I'm sorry.

You know I'm not really sorry
And I know I can't really help it
But yes, I'm blurring those wretched lines again,
Trying to cross over into your world again.

You say it's not worth it;
That your world is as bad as mine.

But love, I tell people I
Live in the gaps between worlds,
(Not that anyone ever believes me)
Trying to sneak into yours,
Never wishing to stay in mine but unable to escape.

Escape. Maybe I am
Looking for an escape in you

And it's right for you to worry whether I love you
Or the magic in your smile.
I'm not sure either.

I love you.
I really do.

It's just hard sometimes when 3000 other people claim to too
And you smile that same smile at them too
And believe them when they say they're trying to reach you.

Am I not the one you've seen constantly
Being there
Trying to erase off our borders
Smudge the printed pages
Tear off the silver screens
For years now?
Waiting every breathing second for you to send a raven,
Constantly fighting against non-fiction
Calling it my fight against 'gravity' instead
Because a dream for flight is easy for people to understand
Than the desire for real pulsating magic?
Have you not seen me cry enough times, love,
Every time they shoved logic down my throat
Anchored me to my 'sanity'
That I have now become numb to this longing?

You of all people are supposed to believe me
When I say I sometimes feel like clawing out my heart
Quite literally
And throw it across to your world.

For anything's better than being trapped here, my love,

I thought you of all people would know that.

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