July 22

B: home

Betty messages Jughead after she's finally back in her own bed, lying down, ankles crossed. They've been talking in Messenger every day now, getting to know each other a little better. Jughead found out Betty is a horrible texter. She just sends a word or two, not more than needed, while he himself sends all he's thinking.

J: Finally
J: Can I come over?
B: sure
J: Come outside in 10
B: i'm not going anywhere, you can come over of you want to
J: Oh come on, I've been waiting for you
B: where? 😑
J: Just be outside in 10
B: k

Betty gets up from her bed with a small smile and takes out all the new clothes she got. Usually people call her gross when she always wears the same ones which are at least a little more appropriate to wear to school than the others she has. Now she has like 3 new pairs of pants, about 7 more shirts, many socks, ubderwear and she actually got a new bra which isn't painful to wear. The last time she asked her mom for a new one, she told her that she really doesn't have money for it and that she can ask Polly. The problem was that her boobs had gotten a lot bigger and her body had gotten a lot more grownup-ish than four years ago.
The thing Betty's most excited about is the makeup she got. She has never owned any of it, only a few chapsticks and stuff, but now she actually has something that makes her prettier, including the product her dad's wife bought for her that helps her face skin get clear.

Jughead reaches Betty's house five minutes earlier than promised, so he gets off his bike and leans on it instead, taking off his helmet.
Betty comes about 7 minutes later and freezes on the spot, looking at his motorcycle. He grins at that and pushes himself to stand up normally now. Their eyes meet as she slowly comes closer and then stops a few steps away.
"Hey," Jug chuckles.
"I'm not getting on that," she says immediately.
"What, no hug, no hello? You're really rude today," he jokes. She narrows her eyes at him, making him sigh now. "Come on. I won't crash. It's only 7 minutes away, Betts."
"You only have one helmet..."
He smiles at that. "I'm not making you not wear a helmet. You're wearing it."
"Yeah, but then you won't have one..." She bites her lip with a small frown, looking adorable for him. He can't help it, he pulls her into a hug, she hugging him back and breathing in the scent his grey hoodie on her bed has as well.
"I'll be fine," he whispers into her blonde hair and then pulls away. He places the helmet on her head and when he starts strapping it on, she feels her knees get a little weak, his thumbs and index fingers touching her chin and neck.
When he has done it though, he doesn't pull away immediately. The back of his hand and knuckles feel the soft warm skin on her neck for a moment, sliding down towards her shoulder, making her breath get caught up in her lungs, her eyes staring into his greenish-blue ones. She swallows when his hand disappears and his eyes meet hers now too. They look adoring, soft and admiring. Neither of them says anything for the next few minutes they stand like this, in complete silence, hard to breathe; so close, yet so far apart.
Both of them just need their lips to touch. Their eyes move down on each other's lips and then back up to their eyes and repeat this movement over and over again.They've been aching for it since the day they went to Pop's, both soaked in rain. Betty waits for him to do it first, knowing he will. He finds his courage a few seconds later, his hand moving onto her neck, pulling her closer while leaning in himself, both of their eyes closing a few seconds before. They can already feel each other's breaths on their own faces, Betty can feel him leaning down a little as she stands on her tiptoes and then there's a loud crash right next to them.
They jump apart, her hand grabbing his in fear as he pulls her a little behind his back, trying to protect her from whatever made that noise. The two of them stare wide eyed as a grey car catches on fire after driving into a power pole.
"Crap," Jughead says under his breath and turns a little around to see Betty. "Stay here, okay? Call the police." He doesn't wait for the answer, he just lets go of her and runs towards the car. Betty calls the police while watching in horror how Jug manages to open the door and helps the man out.

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