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1284, Hamelin, Germany

"Rats!" A woman cried to the mayor, complaining once again.  She had dark red hair, tan skin with no freckles, blue eyes, and wore a  pink dress.  The mayor had no idea how many times she, let alone the entire town have been complaining to him about rats just today.  This was terrible as the rats have been growing both in boldness and in population lately.  They have been eating all our food and drinking all our water supplies.  Not to mention spreading this awful epidemic.  The plague!  Oh, the plague!  The mayor had no idea how many people they have lost to the plague since the rats have been around.  That's how bad it was.

"I know, Ms.  We are trying to think of a solution to our rat problem, but we haven't come up with any ideas that have worked yet." The mayor tried to calm her even though he felt like breaking down and crying right then and there due to the stress and the pressure of all this rat business.  There wasn't just her to worry about though, as there was a long line behind her waiting with complaints of their own, most likely about the rats.

"Now Ms., I'm doing all I can about this, so you'll just have to be patient about this."  The mayor stepped out from behind his desk and turned her around and began to push her out the door.

She turned her head, attempting to look back at the mayor and succeeding.  "But Mr. Mayor, I can't stand this rat infestation any longer.  They're getting into all my food and water.  I've got to support myself and my child, you know?"  She said irritably.

"I know, I know, Ms., and I'm sorry about that, but like I said, I'm doing everything I can to try and take care of this."  The mayor pushed her out, waved, and shut the door behind her right after telling the people behind the door, "Those of you behind the door, you will have to wait for another day, as in, tomorrow or later.  Goodbye to you."  He turned and walked back behind his his desk and sat down again.  He looked up and called out, "next!"  And the next person came forward.  Another woman, and she was crying.  Hard.  She had blond hair, blue eyes and wore a blue dress.

"I can't take it anymore!"  She sniffled into a handkerchief and dabbed her eyes, crying.  "M-m-my children ha-ha-have d-d-d-die-d.  Do something about it."

There was no doubt in the mayor's mind what "it" she was talking about.  He stood up and leaned forward, putting his hand on her shoulder and said to her, " I'm sorry for your loss, ma'am, but like I told the previous woman before, I'm trying the best that I can."

"Well, it's not good enough!"  She said vehemently, pulling her handkerchief away from her eyes.

"I know, but I can't help it," he said trying to placate her.  He turned her around slightly before she jerked herself back around to face him once more before leaving.  "You better take care of these rats soon Mr. Mayor, or I'm leaving!  Humph!" She spun around on the toes of her foot and left his office.  He sighed and went back to calling and listening to other peoples' complaints, which all involved rats in one way or another.  What a day, he thought.

Pied Piper Comes to Town (The Heroines Fairytales Book #1) (1st Version)Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat