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The alarm blasts on with the six am and I am rudely awakened from my disturbing dream as I turned I was distracted as my husband was lying on the other side of bed looking at his face for some time I don't know when again sleep took over me ....later I felt like someone peck me on forehead and hummed a good morning ...

when I opened my eyes there was no one .I thought it was my dream...looking over the clock I was shocked how can I be this late on my first day in this home...my mother in law  would be angry I m going to die Khushi hurry up get ready...I launched towards bathroom and finished my all chores in jet speed ....wearing saree I put my vermillion  and moved towards downstairs. ..

While descending stairs I met my mother in law "Khushi"....she called

 she is going to scold now I was prepared for this.

(get up you queen don't you know everyone is waiting for breakfast and here you are sleeping like there is no work...I hurriedly went to kitchen and start preparing through breakfast I listened  my step mom saying to her husband why you brought her here what we will get by letting her stay in our home relax darling she is useful ...she is like a maid whom we don't need to pay)

my thoughts broke when someone touched my checks gently... 

My mother in law was standing cupping my cheeks she said "Khushi beta did you sleep well..what are you thinking ......come have breakfast with everyone.."

I bend down and took her blessing...I hugged her I felt motherly love for first time...

I asked  what shall I call you...same as chote call me "MAA" she replied I was happy...
(Maybe they are not like my family )with MAA I moved towards dinning area and seated near my husband who is busy on a call....
Anjali was sitting with her husband shyam ji ..they are like best couple in deeply in love...will we ever be like this...he is even not looking at me..
Leave it Khushi. ..after having breakfast
MAA "Khushi beta today you have to cook food for us as it is a ritual...
MAA "is it necessary Hp can cook food for us" ARNAV ji said ....everyone smiled ...
"Yes beta if you are tired then we can perform it any other day.
No MAA I will cook "
My father in law called me and I was not ready to go and talk with him...but I went hoping for something or someone interrupt us...
"Dad we are getting late will you talk with her later"arnav ji came to rescue with the way of his talking I can say he is upset with him....

I should ask someone about this...but whom yes only one person can answer now...

I went to her room ..MAA "yes beta what happen ...need something"...
"MAA I noticed that ARNAV ji is not talking nicely with father in law"
"Hmmm chote is upset with him but for what reason no one knows..he never share his thoughts and never shows his vulnerable  side to anyone...may be with your presence he may share things with you.
Beta world knows ASR who is different from our chote...yes he gets angry and may say hurtful words but never intend any of them...."

(MAA is praising him so much but what he did with me. I should talk with him..yes today at night I will. ..)

I made everyone's favourite dishes and if you are thinking about ARNAV ji favourite  then yes I made that too ..I can't deny that he is my husband now and I have to make this relation work ....
Everyone gathered at dinning table I served everyone and they liked the food everyone praises me but only ARNAV ji didn't I was sad but why I m feeling like this...why his words are needed ....MAA ,pa ,anjali and shyam ji gave me gifts and again to my disappointment  ARNAV ji didn't gave me anything..I was he'll angry on him can't he say something about my cooking.....

After dinner I went to our room thats when I looked our room carefully..well furnished and seems to peaceful but what attracted me more was a garden and a pool attached to our room ...the moonlight was falling ...I felt peace at this place...I was so engrossed  that I didn't sense  someone was behind me...

"Khushi will you excuse me I have to water my plants ....Hmmm"
He gestured me by his face I snap out from my dreamland "umm yes sure..."
Saying this I was heading out when I turned and "ARNAV ji can I ask you something.."
"Sure "
Tell me the truth okay is this marriage taken place by your acceptance. ..
"That doesn't  matter  now Khushi .....
With saying this he continued  his work and my anger reach its place ...opening my wardrobe there was lying a gift with a note...
I will try to be a good husband and never fail your expectations and your happiness  will be my priority. ...a small gift for my wife ....

Dedicated  to all arshi lovers

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