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Next morning..

arnav ji take me to the balcony and we sat their...
He started telling me from the begining...
"It started with will..."
"will?" i asked...
"yes khushi ... a will on property in which whole property will be divide between me and anjali ....
There was clause in which  dad put a condition that if something happen to me  whole property will be given to anjali and her family as she was married ....and i was not interested....

If something happen to anjali than all her share will be transfer to her baby if had or else given to me...
This is where everything started...
If i m dead then the property will be handover to anjali and her family....which means shyam and anjali...

My accident was done by none other than shyam khushi....

Whattttt....but he is so caring and sweet..

"i think that first too khushi but my sources never tell me wrong and it confirmed when maa over hear his talk "

"what maa knows about this..."i asked.
"yes khushi thats why they forced me to get married so may be shyam will back off but things never change..."

"But maa didnt know about the incident after marriage ...i dont want her to be worried..."

"arnav ji what if something had happen to you...what will i do"...
"khushi...shhhh...nothing is going to happen me relax...we need the proof and we will get it...."

Now relax we are on our honeymoon baby i dont want to spoil that....

"but arnav ji...."he kissed me on lips ...
"arnav ji....he again kissed me"...
I frown...
"Khushi forget about it now ..lets create the best days of our life here in these moments..."...

We had a blissful romantic morning ending it in each others arm....

Though i m worried not for me but for my love...we havent been with each other so much ...dont let anything happen to him....were my silent prayer to god every day...

We went out for some site seeing and i was in love with this place ...its peacful and natureful..
While roaming around places we settle for lunch in an open restaurant ....
my eyes fell on a  antique shop ...arnav ji was busy on phone so i gesture him that i will come in 5 min ..he nodded ...

I went cross the road from restaurant and went inside...
I want to gift him something special...after looking for a while finally i get what i wanted for him...

I went back carrying his gift with me and settle on my seat he is still on call..
My eyes quietly exploring his each and every feature ...
(he is damn hot and perfect....his aura is something that attract every one around him...that mark near his eye is always catchy...)
A finger flipped near my eyes and my thoughts break...
"Enjoying the view" arnav ji said...
I blushed ......
We had our lunch which was delicious...
"arnav ji let buy some vegetable...so i can cook at home...its not good for your health to eat outside food daily ...and its not ......i stopped but he completedy unsaid words..."
"that its not safe for me outside"...he replied...
For which i nodded....
"khushi relax nothing is going to happen we have securities....
I am confused what he meant by securities.....
Reading my confusion he called someone and within 5 sec 2 men and a women came towards us...

These are our security khushi they are with us from the start of our trip...
"what....but how i didn't get the hint of them"...
"they work like shadow khushi amd i didnt you to worry about this ..."he says..

They all introduced themselves i nodded.
Then they went back from where they were watching us....

"Arnav ji how little i know about you....when i think i know you then you show me your another side...."

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