"Let me take you on a date"

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Bright's POV

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Bright's POV

It was November, and i got called from my Aunt, tiffany, she was hosting this party and she invited me and told my to bring Friends

About time she finally calls but i don't blame her, she is busy with her business

The Party was Tonight and Carl was begging me to invite The boys

"Come On Bright, Please Just Invite Them And You Wont See Them For The Whole Night!"

"Carl, Im Not Letting Them Come To Tiffany's Party!"
"Please!" He screamed tugging at my arm

I groaned pulling on my hair

"Fine We'll Invite Those Little Fuckers!"
"Woohoo!" Carl screamed jumping around

I grabbed my phone and called Zach

"Hey Zach, i was wondering if you wanted to come to this Christmas themed party that my Aunt is throwing tonight at 8:00" i ask
"Sure, send me the address and we'll be there!"
"Ok, i'll see you then"

I hang up and sit on the bed

"Im gonna invite May"
I went on my contacts again and Called May

"Hey Bitch, What are you calling For?" May screamed
"My aunt is throwing a Christmas themed party and im inviting you, it starts at 8:00, i'll send you the address"
"Ok, should we wear matching dresses?" She asks
"I cant, my aunt sent me a specific dress to wear so, sorry"
"Its fine, see you there!"

I hang up and look at the dress hanging on the door

"Carl, go get dressed, im gonna take a bath"

I grabbed my towel and walked into my Bathroom
I stripped and stepped into the shower and turned the water on


I walked into my room and got my undergarments and put them on

I was nervous for this Party, what if i embarrass myself?
I shake my head and started getting ready


It was 7:52 Pm by the time i was done with my Hair and Makeup

My hair was lightly Curled and i had a natural look
I looked over to the dress

What if i don't fit in it?

"Bright Hurry Up, We Are Going To Be Late!"
Carl screamed from downstairs

I put my dress on and my heels
I look at myself in the mirror and sigh
I look like a fucking Cow

I walked downstairs and grabbed my keys
"Lets go"


As we made it to the Party Carl spotted the boys, got out of the car and ran towards them

I rolled my eyes and parked the car getting out of it
I sighed as i felt the nerves starting to build

I walk around the Car and start walking up to where Carl was with the boys

When i made it I didn't even want to look at Daniel feeling as if i was going to Faint any second


I turned and a small smile grew on my face
It was my friend from two years ago, Colby

His hair had blue in it which was cute


I walked up to him and give him a small but nice hug

"How You been?" I ask
"I been good, sam couldn't make it though"

I grabbed his hand and walked him up to the boys

"Colby, this is Daniel, Corbyn, Jonah, Zach and Jack, and you already know Carl" i said

"Nice to meet you All" Colby says cheekily
"Nice to meet you" Daniel said sounding Sarcastic

I look over at him confused

"Well, lets go in!" I said

Colby held my hand as we entered the Party and i was stunned

It looked amazing and everyone looked so much better than me

"Hey Bright, can i talk to you?" Daniel asks approaching me

I sighed and nodded letting go of Colby's hand
I followed Daniel to a table that was at a Corner

"What is it Daniel?"

He sighs and bites his bottom lip

Not gonna lie, every time he does that it gets more attractive

What the hell is going through my mind right now?

"Let me take you on a date"

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