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Bright's POV

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Bright's POV

"Carl! Where is my Camera?!?" I screamed from my room

"Check under your bed!"

I got on my knees and looked under my bed to see it there
Why is it there in the first place?

I grabbed it and put on my shoes
I walked over to Carl's room

"So do you want to come with me or do you want me to drop you off at your friend's house?"

"Take me to my Friend's house"
"Ok, lets go"

We walked downstairs and out of the house

"Are you just gonna take photos all day?" Carl asked
"Of People, Yes"

We get into my Car and suddenly my phone starts ringing
"What Now!"

I pick it up bothered

"Oh, Hey Bright!" Corbyn said
"How did you get my number? Why are you calling me?"
"I was wondering if me and the boys could take Carl for the day?"
"Give me a second"

"Carl, do you want to go hang out with the boys instead?"
"Heck Yea!"

"He said yes, i'll go drop him off"
"Ok, see you in a bit"

I start the car and get out of my parking spot
"We are here, have fun, but not too much fun"
"Ok, bye Bright, see you later!"

I just nodded and saw him run to Corbyn and give him a hug

Then he approached me

"Are you not staying?" Corbyn said
"No, i got better things to do" i said showing him my camera

"Come on, stay for a while then you can go and take pictures"

"Fine ok"

I parked the car and got out locking it
The camera was strapped around my neck so i didn't have to worry about holding it all the time

"Who or what are you gonna take pictures of?" Corbyn asked

"People, friends"
"So your gonna take a picture of me?" He said smiling

"No, your not my friend"
"But im a people"

"Oh Corbyn, shut up please"

We walk in and all eyes go on us

"Bright's Taking Pictures Of Us!" Corbyn Screamed
"No, Im Not!"

"Oh Yeah, i saw your wall, is that what its for?" Zach asks

"Yes, but you guys wont be on it"
"Wait, how does Zach know what her wall looks like?" Jonah asked

"Because i been in her room"
"You Guys Smashed!" Corbyn Screams

"You do know Carl is right there" I said pointing to him

"Why aren't you denying it! Its True!" Jack Shouted
"Im gonna leave if you keep this up"

"Carl, come with me, im gonna show you something" Daniel said to Carl and they both left

"So Who's Picture are you taking first?" Corbyn asked
"Not You, Stop Bothering Me!"

I sat down on the Couch and started playing with the ends of my Hair

I wasn't in the mood to be here right now
Then i heard laughing upstairs then followed by footsteps coming down

Daniel and Carl soon came into sight and sat down next to me

Why did Daniel have to sit next to me, out of all the space here, he sat right next to me

The next few minutes was them talking
I couldn't really hear anything because i blocked them out

Soon i fell asleep and everything around me became silence

Daniel's POV

I feel a head fall on my shoulder and i look to my side to see Bright had fallen asleep

"Guys" i whispered and they all turned to me

"Awe, Look how cute B is" Carl said
"Lay her down" Jack said

"Like, on my lap?"
He nodded and i looked at Bright

She still is very mad at me
She hates me but i don't

I carefully grab her and lay her down on my lap
"Lets watch a movie" Jonah suggested

Everyone agreed and they put on the Grinch
Jack turned off the lights and it was dark in here

I looked down at Bright and suddenly feel guilty
She just wants to be happy with the right people
And i believe we are the right people

I believe i can change what she feels about everyone, about me

I like her, a lot
I don't know if its obvious but i do
And i want to show her how to love

I want to be the one to make her smile
I want to be that one special person that holds a place in her heart

But thats Impossible

No, nothing is impossible

Im gonna make her love me
Im gonna make her Mine
I want to call her mine

I want to be able to wake up and be able to call her mine, to claim her as my girlfriend

I want to hold her in my arms forever and know that she loves me deeply

I want to kiss her and feel a million sparks fly around my whole body, i want to taste her lips and let her know i want her

I want to feel her on me and Know that she is mine, that she wants me as much as i want her

I need her and i want her
And im gonna make it come true

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