"That kinda hurt.."

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"Ok, when you see someone you like, what do you do?" Daniel asks me

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"Ok, when you see someone you like, what do you do?" Daniel asks me

"Um, admire him?" I said shrugging

"Ok, what do you feel when you see him?"

"Um, awkward but happy i guess"

Currently, Daniel was giving me 'Love Lessons' in his room while the rest were downstairs
I sigh, this is so boring!

"You suck at this"

"I know, because i don't wanna learn about something i don't need to know!"

"You do because when you feel something strong for someone you wont know what it is, and what if someone told you they loved you, What would You do?"

I look at him and shrug
"Reject them?"

"But what if you felt something for that person?"

"I would keep it to myself because they will just lie about 'I Love You' shit"

Daniel sighs and face palms
"Your so complicated"

"Well Im sorry, i don't wanna be here, carl made me come, and i definitely don't wanna be learning about Something as Stupid As Love!"

"But Love Isn't Stupid, You Think It Is Because You Don't Have Feelings!"

That kinda hurt

"Oh right, i don't have feelings, i just brought carl here because i felt like it"

I got up and left his room and quickly walked downstairs

"Wheres the bathroom?" I ask as i enter the living room

"To the left"

I turn and see the bathroom door open
I walk in and lock the door

A tear slipped and i bit my lip thinking of what Daniel said

"But Love Isn't Stupid, You Think It Is Because You Don't Have Feelings!"

Wow, Daniel Seavey actually made me cry
I wipe the tears that fell from my eyes and sigh

Then there was a knock on the door

"Brightly, you know i didn't mean it like that.."

"Leave me alone" i slide down the door and pull on my sleeves


My vision starts to get blurry and before i knew it
There was a waterfall coming from my eyes

I covered my mouth to keep in the sobs

I heard footsteps approaching the door and i bit my lip

"B, let me in" carl said

A sob escaped my mouth and i quickly covered it again

"Daniel, what did you say to her?" It sounded like Zach

It stayed quiet

"Bright, open the door" Carl kept trying
I wasn't gonna open the door
At all
not now

A bunch of tears kept falling from my eyes and to be honest, this is the first time a boy has made me cry
And i that had to be Daniel

Then a note slipped from under the door
I pick it up, it said Daniel on the front

I open it and all it said was

I crumble it and throw it away
I then heard footsteps leaving

I let out all my sobs and cried into my hands

I do have feelings, to many actually
And that hurt way too much, not because Its a lie, but because my Dad said that to me once..

"Your So Selfish, You Don't Have Any Feelings At All! Look at Yourself, Your A Disappointment!"

I stand up and look at myself in the mirror

Thats all i saw

I wipe my tears but that didn't do anything, many more fell

There was a knock on the door again and i look at the door and bite my lip

I slowly unlock the door and open it to reveal Carl
He runs in and hugs my legs

I weakly smile and pick him up

"Don't cry Brightly, whatever Daniel did or said, it doesn't matter anymore"

He wipes my tears and kisses my cheek
He gives me a tight hug and i accept it

"What did Daniel say to you?"

"Um...H.He said i had no feelings, and that just hurt me because remember what dad said that day.."

He nods and kisses my forehead
"Its gonna be okay B"

I put him down and wipe the rest if my tears
"We can go home now"

I nod and he goes back to the living room to get his stuff

Then Daniel appeared
I look up at him and feel more tears coming

"I.Im sorry Brightly, i didn't know that would hurt you like that.."

Tears started falling down again, making me cover my face


Suddenly i feel two arms wrap around me tightly and i know its Daniel

"Im sorry Brightly, please Forgive me.."
I sob and rub my eyes

I push Daniel away and walk out of the bathroom
I see Carl at the front door and i just walk out

"Hey! Wait up!" Carl screamed

I get in the car and start it
Carl gets in and looks at me

"What did Daniel do now?"
"Shut up"

I start to drive and i look up at the house snd see Daniel at the doorstep

I sigh and drive off


Ok, i would totally cry if someone told me i didn't have feelings, im a very sentimental person

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