Chapter 13 • Truthbomb

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I wrote this during the Love Island final sooo in great spirits on Amber and Greg winning... here's a new chapter x


Holy crap, the girl I love is the girl I bullied. What the fuck! After watching Rose sprint away, I stood still, staring at where she once stood, all but Theo seemed shocked. "You knew?" I asked him, "I did," "Why didn't you tell me?" "It was her secret to tell!" "She hates me," "No, she think you would have hated her, hence why she didn't say anything, all I know is she was going to tell Harry to help ease him into Slytherin," "What do I do?" "Find her!" Luna yelled, hitting the back of my head.

"She could have gone anywhere!" "I have an idea..."


"Darling, Theo floo messaged us so we know what happened," my mother called, as soon as I sprinted away, I headed for the apparition point just outside of Hogwarts, going straight home. I had headed into the garden, where the little den that Theo, Draco and I built several years ago. A tattered blanket was inside, alongside a faded teddy bear, I could barely make out the words of 'I love you' in the fabric. Funny how this will be the only time I hear it from Draco, and it's not even him.

"What do I do mum?" I sobbed, how can I fix this? I lied to him... I hid who I was knowing full well he would have never agreed to it if he knew. I'm a terrible person!" "Go back to him, he loves you," "I don't think he does," "And why is that?" "He didn't chase me, he just stared at me with hatred in his eyes," "But was it hatred, maybe it was shock?" She offered up. The thoughts of Draco hating me were piling up, my voice no longer allowing me to use it, tears dripping off the end of my nose and chin.

"Rose, darling come with me," my mother gently took hold of my hand, leading me into a small panic room, "Whenever you was scared or upset, this is where you would hide," the room held a small bed, toys from my childhood and pictures of me with my brother and parents. The room seemed to have a sense of serenity that only I could acknowledge. "Why don't you sit down, take some time to breath and figure what you want to do out?" I nodded, before lying down, my brain going a million miles an hour.

I fell asleep rather quickly, anyone else just attempt to nap their problems away, because same. Even in my dreams, my fears of his hatred haunts me.

I woke to arms around my waist, sobbing uncontrollably I turned my face and burrowed into Theo's neck, the slight comfort easing my pain somewhat. "You should go speak to him," "I can't," "He doesn't hate you," "Really?" I perked up, "He thinks you hate him!" "I could never!" "It's the fact that you were the muggleborn he bullied, you need to know that he never cared for blood purity, neither do his parents but his old family did and they knew that Voldemort would kill them otherwise," "I need to see him... where is he?" "He's in the living room," I sprinted off, in a mere minute, I had reached the front room.

"You love her?" I hear my mother ask, "With everything I have," his voice whispered, slightly croaky signalling he had been crying. "Hello," I spoke, walking Into the room and taking a seat next to my future husband. "I don't hate you," he looked at me, speaking once my parents and brother had left the room. "I wish you had told me sooner, but that's only so I could make up for seven years of torturing you," "You promise, you don't hate me?" "I never could, you are my future wife, my fiancé, how could I hate you?" I leant forward, pecking his lips.

"Come with me," I took his hand before pulling him to the cinema room. "We are spending the rest of the weekend together, just us two," I instructed, letting him choose the movie to watch. When he finally landed on a movie, I couldn't help but laugh... 'The Princess Diaries' "Seriously?" I laughed, "What, it's a good film!" He blushed, before popping it into the player and coming over to the couch. He lifted me off my chair before sitting me on his lap.

"I'm in love with you," he whispered into my ear. Blood rushes to my cheeks as I stared straight into his grey eyes. This was the first time any of us had said that. " I love you too," I whispered, not wanting to break the serenity of the room. In result, he smashed our lips together in one hell of a passionate kiss before guiding me up to my room.

Once there, he lightly pushed me onto my bed, taking my lips once again with his. His hands slowly rubbed up and down my waist, reaching the top of my thighs. I began toying with the buttons of his shirt, undoing them all and slipping his shirt from his shoulders. "Absolutely beautiful," He breathes into my ear, whilst kissing all over my neck. I brushed my hands over his very defined six pack... I've said it before and I'll say it again... God bless Quidditch.

He began to finger the hem of my top, slowly raising it up. "Are you comfortable with this?" I hummed in agreement, sitting up slightly to allow him to pull it over my head. He kissed up my stomach and between my breast as the top came further up. I moaned when a slight pressure was placed right above my core. His hand pressing over my jeans. I reciprocated by slowly undoing his belt, and pulling the zipper down. "Are you sure?" He asked, "Definitely,"

(Never written any smut before soooo not staring now)

He rolled off of me, panting by my side, out hands intertwined with my head on his chest. "I love you," Draco whispered again, between every single thrust of pure ecstasy he would whisper his love to me. "I love you too," "I'm sorry," "For what?" "Everything I did to you," "All is forgiven, you had to survive the war just like the rest of us, your history dictated your side but we're together now and that's all that matters," he kissed me one last time before I slipped into a peaceful slumber.

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