"Get off Liam, you're heavy" Harry said pushing him off Zayn. Liam was always over the top.

"End scene." Liam said sitting down. "Take notes, Niall. That's how you react when someone say they're engaged alright?"

"Wow, Liam." Niall chuckled. "What can I say? I wish I pressed record on my phone and put that out there as a lesson for all." He said shaking his head. "I am happy for you, Liam. Come one show us your ring then?" He teased him.

Liam rolled his eyes, "You're such a child. Anyways, Zee. Show me your ring."

Zayn smiled lifting his arm to show Liam the ring. "What do you think? Harry done good?"

"Harry done good, Zee." Liam nodded admiring the ring. It was a plain gold wedding band but it was the thought behind him that's important. "l love it, it's so you_. Well done to Harry."

"Harry is here." Harry said. "Harry can hear you."

Zayn chuckled kissing him on the cheek. "Harry done good." He said giggling.

"Well done, Harry." Liam said. "For real. Nice choice of the ring_just gold and beautiful."

"Just like my baby." Harry kissed Zayn on the lips. He then moved said so Zayn's head was on his shoulder, an arm across his chest, he lifted one of Zayn's legs to wrap it around his own waist. "Thanks Liam. And congratulations on your proposal too. I'm happy for you, mate. I'm assuming she said yes?.." Harry said smiling and teasing,

"Of course she said yes." Liam huffed, "Why else will I be happy about.."

"You're happy just about anything Liam, so that's a valid question." Louis said walking back without the baby. He sat down, putting baby monitor on the coffee table.

"Louis, do you think I would have came here shouting I'm happy if had Sophia said no?"

"We wouldn't know that Liam, now would we?" Louis said. "Anyways, thanks for owning up to shouting, surely you could have seen the baby was asleep.." he said lying back down on the couch.

"Sorry about that." Liam apologised looking at Harry who smiled back at him mouthing its fine.

"You want to know how Harry proposed, Liam?" Niall asked.

"Yeah_the fuck." Liam had to duck when Louis threw his phone at him. "Why you did that for, Louis?"

"For you to check the video aptly named Shady Harry on the phone. So see for yourself how he proposed and stop asking us alright?" Louis said eyes closed. He was of course the queen of drama. He was forwarded the video by Gemma.

"You've got the proposal on video?" Liam looking at Harry impressed. "Mate, that's sick." He watched it oohing and aah-ing. "This is cute, Harry. And Zayn was drunk?"

"You mean drunk in love, Liam?" Harry said.

"What?" Zayn raised his head looking at him with a wide grin. "Give it to me..babe. That was slick." he brought his hand up for a high five, he chuckled when Harry missed the cue and kissed him instead.

Liam looked at Louis. "Do I dare ask you decided to caption the video, shady Harry?"

"Gemma sent me that video with that caption, Liam. Ask her?" Louis replied.

"Gemma was here to witness the proposal as well?" Liam asked like someone betrayed.

"She wasn't here." Harry mumbled, burying his face in Zayn's head of hair, ruffling it with his hand.

"You know who else wasn't there? His best friends." Louis said.

"I didn't know Harry was gonna propose, you would've been there if I did." Zayn said cuddling closer to Harry.

Love hurts- Zarry {Mpreg}Where stories live. Discover now