Formation: The Prologue

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There are just some people in this world fated to hurt those around them.

Existing for the sole reason to inflict pain on others; to take something. Maybe even destroy and distort a couple of things in the process. They don't care what they leave behind, all they care about is what comes next.

But with all things in life; there is another side.

Because there are also people who are hurt. People who suffer the consequences of someone else's wrath. Those who have their hearts broken, or perhaps even their soul. Damaged a little bit more than before, enough for an impact to be made.

What do I like about these sides? Is that anyone can land on either; even both.

Truth is, if you're strong-minded enough then you get to pick where you fall. No one wants to turn into their nightmare, and neither do I. Because I want to be worse than the person who hurt me, and she knows it too.

Veronica Grave knows I'm coming for her.

She's known for months. It's why no one ever sees her face anymore because she knows she made a mistake. One that can't be fixed because there's one thing that cannot be restored; life. This isn't justice I'm looking for, I want vengeance.

It's like an open wound on my back. I don't want to waste time waiting for it to heal; not when I can stitch it back together myself.

Out here, in the world I was hidden from, are wild opportunities. Endless, really. There are people out here who love to hurt others, feeding off the pain and anguish they inflict. I've watched them cripple each other until only one is left standing.

But they're not my problem. I haven't come this far to stay here, didn't leave my pack to watch humanity end itself.  Let them do what human's do, whilst I do what I need to. The human's I'm after have their own special place in me, a small cage I open every now and then.

Some of them even know that. They think they're so clever, hiding under layers of false pretences. It's funny, how they imagine I won't be able to find them.

If you're going to hide from me, you need to be good at it. I can smell fear from miles away, amongst other things. Since I was a pup, I was told hunting was one of my best skills.

That's why this was so easy; maybe too easy.

Satisfaction swelled through me when the hooded figure stepped out from behind the door. I'd been following him for weeks, and he never noticed. His own paranoia kept him trapped in his own mind, to the point where his own team of security were getting frustrated with him.

It always leaves the perfect opportunity for a mistake.

"Thomas Vivek Hanson." I let his name casually roll off my tongue. Watching his entire body stiffen in reaction, "It's been a long time. Nice to know you still stand by your awesome taste in noodles."

Truth is, anyone can hide. But those with secrets to keep will always step out of the shadows. Especially, to keep their crowns on their heads, even alchemists.



Wow. This is the first last prologue I'll ever do for the Splice series, how crazy is that? I'm wondering if anyone else can see the change in Six/Selene's mindset. Or maybe I just do because I've been inside her head for so long.

She started off a little naive of the world outside her gilded cage, don't you think? Experiences and exposure always change a person. I like to think I've shown that through Selene's character development!

I did say I would start this, this summer! So, I hope you all enjoy Formation. I've got some nice twists and turns for you all. 

Has there ever been anything in your life that has significantly changed you?

- EmbracingYou

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