#2: Tim Ostendorf

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Tim's POV

"I don't understand!", I shouted, letting out my anger and disappointment along with the piercing pain I felt in my heart. "What does he have that I don't?" I asked Renee, my now ex-girlfriend.

"He cares about me? He's there when I need him? He's honest with me? He doesn't disappear for a while without notice?" Renee replied with the same volume as my shouting. I averted my gaze to the ground and regretted everything I did. She thought I didn't care about her, whereas I was working my ass off, trying to save enough money to ask her to marry me.

"I was such an idiot", I mumbled as I remembered the reason I'm sitting in this hospital. "Destroying my organs because of a heartbreak. What a pathetic life", I told myself as I let out a slight chuckle. Although it's been two years now, I still find myself thinking about her, and about how she might be doing. I still find myself hating that guy that stole her from me. I still find myself hating myself for not spending more time with her. I just couldn't forget her, or the six years we were together.

"Mr. Ostendorf?", a nurse called my name, breaking my chain of thoughts.
"Here", I called and stood up to follow her. She led me to a doctors room and told me to sit down. "The doctor will be here shortly", I nodded and thanked her.

A few moments later a tall man came into the room. He had short blonde hair and wore black glasses. He looked exhausted, but nevertheless he was friendly. "Good evening, Mr. Ostendorf, how are you feeling?",he asked me. "I'm feeling okay for now, I guess", I lied. I had stopped drinking for two months now, and it's quite hard but seeing as how it might kill me, I don't really have a choice.

"You guess?" the doctor asked with concern as he sat down at his desk. I knew he was able to see right through me, but I denied it. "I'm fine", I said with confidence. "Okay", he replied, but still had a skeptical look on his face.

"Have the results of my diagnosis come out?" I asked, not knowing what I should be expecting. I was scared, but I was hopeful. I was afraid, I was frightened, and a little angry at Renee for breaking my heart like she did.

"Yes, but unfortunately, they aren't good." The doctor said. He looked at me with concern in his eyes. "You see, all your drinking over the past two years has caused massive irreversible damage to your body, mainly your liver. This is called Liver Cirrhosis. And unless we find a donor, for us to perform a liver transplant on you, you're body isn't likely to withstand all the toxins that aren't filtered. If it isn't treated, it can cause brain damage as well as organ failure. And unfortunately, a liver transplant is the only choice we have" he explained as I felt my heart sink to my knees. I was frightened, I didn't want to die. I didn't want my life to end yet. I didn't want to die at 25!

"Okay, so we find a donor right? Easy as pie, right? Right?" I asked, not able to think straight and panicking like I never did before. I started to sweat and I saw my hands shaking heavily. I tried to calm down, but I could only do that much.

"Unfortunately, we weren't able to find a donor for now. But we're still looking. And when we do, I will be sure to notify you as fast as possible." The doctor replied. One thought ran through my head, I was gonna die.

"And what if you don't? What if I can't have a new liver? How much longer can I live like this?" I asked, trying to sound calm, but frankly doing the opposite. "I estimate a out three to six months", he answered.

I stood up hastily, causing my head to spin. I felt nauseous, I felt sick. I felt like throwing up."O-Okay.. Thank you for telling me", I said. "Was that all?"

"Yes, you're free to go", he nodded and I headed towards the door. "Then please excu-", I said before I was interrupted as the door opened and a man in a hospital gown entered. He had black hair, as black as black coffee and sparkling green eyes that looked like emeralds. He looked very familiar, like someone I'd known before.

"Lenny? What is it?" The doctor stood up and said at the sight of the man before me. He had a look of genuine concern in his eyes and headed slowly towards the man.

"Doctor, I-", the man said before closing his eyes and collapsing to the ground. "Lenny!", the doctor exclaimed and ran towards the man on the ground. "Lenny! Lenny, wake up!", he demanded while slightly and carefully slapping the man's face.

He looked through the open door, but there was no one in sight so he turned to me. "I'm sorry to ask this of you,but I'm getting quite old. Could you please carry him?", he asked me. I was still quite shocked from the news I had gotten before but for some reason I was more concerned about the man before me, so I did as the doctor asked of me and followed him out.

He led me to a room not far from his office and asked me to put him on the bed that stood in the middle of the room. I carefully put him down and pulled the covers over him. "Thank you", the doctor said. "I know you must have been shocked by the news, and I just asked something like that of you, so I'm really sorry. You see, Lenny is like a son to me. He had been hospitalized so much that the hospital is almost his second home, and he never had anyone to look after him, so I feel like I'm a father-figure for him", he added.

"It's okay, I think", I mumbled the last part. Although something was bugging me, the fact that his name was Lenny and he looked like... "Is his name by any chance... No, nevermind", I said. "I'll be going now. Bye.", I added before heading towards the door.

"Lenny Schneider."

My eyes widened. I turned around to see Lenny sitting up in his bed and looking at me with his green sparkling eyes.

"Lenny! You're awake? What happened?" the doctor asked. "I wasn't feeling so good, so I thought maybe if I took a walk I would feel better. But I didn't and I was already near your office so I thought I-", Lenny answered before the doctor interrupted him. "It's okay."

"I'll be going now." I said, trying to stay calm. I opened the door, leaving the room and proceeded to walk to the main entrance of the hospital.


Author here :3

I'm aware that some of this information is not exactly accurate, since I have done some research for this, but for the sake of this story, please imagine it is^_^

Thank you for reading! Please give me feedback on what you you liked and what you didn't, it would really help ^_^

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