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defodio (deh-FOH-dee-oh);  allows the caster to dig and carve through the target.

"Uh-oh indeed." Rolf teased, a grin on his face as he pats Harry on the shoulder. "I don't wanna be you right now, Haz."

He turned towards Cassiopeia again, visibly ignoring the people standing behind him. "I am sorry, Aunt CassㅡIt looks like I won't cook today." Cocking his head to the side, Cassiopeia could see why. Flying towards them from upstairs was an eagle-owl, with MACUSA tag attached to its wings. On its talons, it held a red envelope.

A Howler.

"Nice meeting you, gentlemen." He bowed to the group of the Avengers, who are still looked somewhat stunned by the normalcy in which Rolf conducts himself. "I am sorry, but we really don't have anything left. Aunt Cass surely can't make twelve portion of english breakfasts fast enough to satisfy you, and Harry is hopeless when it comes to cooking." Giving them a lopsided grin, Rolf collected the Howler, and lets the owl sit on his shoulder.

"Good night, gentlemenㅡand woman. I must excuse myself." Eyes twinkling, he looked at them. "Also, the Chinese place down the street is still open. I advise you to go there, they made the best shumai." He turned to look at Harry and Cassiopeia. "I'll inform the ob-team," Winking, he trudged upstairs, leaving behind a group of stunned people.

"What was that?" Iron Man was the first one to blurt out, visibly confused. "I don't like surprises. And what are you, super human? How did you appear out of thin air like that?"

"Why did an owl sent you a letter?" Steve spoke up, looking genuinely curious. The rest of his team looked at him with an incredulous look, but he just stared back with a determined what? look back at them.

"Ah, about that," Harry gulped as he looked nervously at Cassiopeia. The latter just waved her hands at him, motioning him to continue.

He's an Auror, afterall. He knows the protocol on how to deal with muggles who accidentally saw magic. First rule, obliviate. Second rule, if obliviating was not possible, then lie and stall the time until the obliviator team comes.

In this case, Harry and Cassiopeia couldn't possibly tackle a group of six enhanced muggles. By the time they knock out two, four weapons would be directed at them. They have no other choice but to lie.

"It's... So simple, actually," He began, nervous. "You see, I have an ability to teleport myself."

"You what, now?" The glass-man spoke, sounding dubious. "But how is that possible?"

"Ah, about that, I really had no idea how the technical side works..." He looked at Cassiopeia hopelessly, and Cassiopeia returned back the stare. "It's... In my blood. Everyone in my family has it."

"Do you mean to say every member of your family can teleport?!"

"Er, I guess...?"

He hadn't lie. The whole magical community "family" could probably Apparate when they learned and are old enough.

"Wait a second. Does that mean you can do that, too?" Steve asked, turning his attention towards Cassiopeia. She nods in affirmation. "I can."

"Wow." Iron Man clasped his hand. "Color me impressed. Can you demonstrate?" He asked, looking at Harry expectantly.

Up until the moment, Harry had been doing as per the protocol. If he oblige to the request now, he'd be breaking the  Statute of Secrecy, as well as breaking a law of doing intentional magic in front of muggles outside of emergency situations. The fines are hefty. He could even lose his wand permit if the judges decide so.

"...he can't." Cassiopeia interjected. "Teleporting required lots of energy, and he had already pushed his limits. He'd die if you force him to do that." Harry looked at her with relief, and Cassiopeia nodded.

"Bummer." Iron Man visibly deflates, but then he looked at her, interest renewed. "But what about you? You can do that too, right?"

"Should we just obliviate him...?" Harry whispered softly, but Cassiopeia shook her head. "Message Rolf, or Charlie, or whoever can get their hands on some obliviators to come pick our present in the back alley of the Woolworth building," She whispered back. "They're taking too long, might as well just help them."

She turned back towards Iron Man, smiling brightly. "Better yet, Mr Man. I could teleport you and your group. All of you would get a chance of teleporting." She smiled brightly. "If all of you were to agree, I have two conditions. One, you have to promise not to say anything about our powers. Second, you must not bother me or my family members regarding this topic." She smiled wider. "The moment you accept, this topic isㅡpun intendedㅡoff topic."

Ironman hesitated. The others hesitated, too. They discussed among themselves, and Cassiopeia, meanwhile, had ordered Harry to prepare a portkey.

"We accept." The woman spoke. "But while we're at it, why don't you use your power for," She made a quotation mark with her fingers, "the greater good?"

Cassiopeia tilted her head. "I thought I told you that the moment you accepted, that topic is off the table." She winked. Grabbing the blanket Harry gave her, she thanked him.

"I want all of you to hold this," She smiled as all of them holds the blanket. "And don't worry, I'm not going to send you somewhere bad. It may feel bad, though, especially if you got motion sickness."

Seeing the lot opened their mouths, she lets out a loud, clacking sounds that diverted their attentions to her. "And I strongly advise you not to let go under any circumstances," She said sternly. "Who knows where you'll end up, or even if you'll end up intact..."


"One man accidentally tore himself apart," Harry explained, with a twinge of amusement in his voice. "His body ended up in Cardiff, while his limbs scattered around London. Safe trip!"

"Wait!" A voice piped up, but at that moment, Cassiopeia felt a tugging sensation she recognizes all too well. Closing her eyes, she let the darkness enveloped her.


a/n: Loves!! If you are still here, thank you so much! Your kind messages and well wishes overwhelmed me when I opened Wattpad haha. This chapter was written on June 27, 2020. Actually, I have a few chapters stacked up already in drafts, most of them written around June - August 2020, but I keep on forgetting to upload because I rarely open Wattpad nowadays... Anyway, thanks to a message I received yesterday, I realized, with a surprised Pikachu face, that there are still people who read this shitty story... Ahahahah thank you so much! Updates will be weekly! If I failed to update, you can flood me as much as you like. Please keep me in check!


p.s. i love you all!

p.p.s if you want to talk, you can reach me through my stan twitter account @jiyangdaozhang! i checked twitter dms more often than wattpad dms!

p.p.p.s i love you guys, once again! stay safe and healthy!

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 08, 2021 ⏰

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