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morsmordre (morz-MOR-druh); the  incantation of a curse  used to create the image of the Dark Mark, the skull-and-serpent sign used by Lord Voldemort and his Death Eaters, into the sky. The Death Eaters cast their mark over the homes of anyone they killed as their calling card. 

Sweat dribbled over her eyes as Cassiopeia brushed a hand to keep her hair from falling to her eyes. Her tight bun had long since become history. The strong air conditioners of Ancient Constellation didn't seem to be working todayㅡor maybe it's just the fact that there are currently around 40 people inside the room, all scattered around.

The heavily wounded laid on the table, while the others seat on stools, chairs, and even the floor.

It had been three hours since the hole in the sky opened, and the attack didn't seem to let down. If anything, it seems on getting harsher and harsher, as Harry and Rolf keeps on coming inside the store with more and more people on stretchers.

"Miss Doctor!"

Another voice. Cassiopeia spun around, and nearly tumbled over. She looked down at the small hands tugging on her knees, and the small face of a little boy. She brushed a strand of her hair from her eyes before she opened her mouth, "Yes?"

"My mother... My mother, she didn't feel so well," The boy began, his voice quivering in the middle of the sentence. "Could you please take a look?"

"Of course." Patting the boy's head as she offered a comforting smile, she followed the boy, who led her towards the front door, where a woman was lying outside. Blood oozes from the gawking hole on the side of her stomach, and her hair is also sticky from blood.

"One of the robot thingy shot us," The boy explained as he bit his lower lip. "Can you... Help?"

Crouching down, Cassiopeia examined the woman. Touching her body, Cassiopeia's heart sunk as she realizes that her backbone is completely crushed. With Muggle's technologies, could this woman be saved?

The answer to that question is no.

The best that the Muggles majestic technologies could offer this woman was probably a guarantee that she won't be fully paralyzed.

The logical thing to do here is of course, refusing to treat her, with an apologetic smile, and saying things along the lines of "Sorry...".

Turning to face the boy, Cassiopeia was instantly being exposed to the full image of his hopeful face. Cursing herself and MACUSA's lofty fine, she closed her eyes before sighing.

"I can help."

To this, the boy's ears perked up. Cassiopeia pursed her lips. "On one condition. You have to run back inside, and distribute the medicines to those who are lightly injured. I'll treat your Mum and bring her back inside. Can you do that?"

The boy's eyes rounded before he answered with determination clear in his voice. "I can."

"Then please do so." At Cassiopeia's dismissal, the boy shot back inside. Cassiopeia pursed her lips.

To Hell with MACUSA and their damned fines!

With renewed determination, Cassiopeia reached for a small vial of blood-replenishing potion in her pocket. Forcing the woman to gobble the potion up, she put back the empty vial inside her pocket as she readied her wand.

Tum primum accipere.

Colors began to color the woman's cheeks, and Cassiopeia sighed with relief. To be honest, that spell was one of her own creations. She had always hesitated on using healing spells on people when she did not know what the problem is, as the one and only general healing spell, sana, was such a powerful spell.

Sure, you have spells like ferula for binds and split fractures, reparifors to heal minor magic related injuries, and then tergeo, episkey and Vulnera Sanentur... There are many spells for many specific types of injuries, but when the injuries are unknown, there is only one spell: sana.

Sana was designed to fight away, quench, conquer, crush and  defeat the disease. Consequently, if the target's body is too weak, the spell could end up also crushing the body. Cassiopeia modified the spell to minimize that effect. Sure, the spell may not be as effective, but it's safer.

Muttering a lightening spell, Cassiopeia carried the woman inside, unaware of a pair of eyes that followed her every movements.


hi! at this point i just want to get this story over with--I have written like 35 drafts, so expect daily (or at least weekly) updates. i want to show myself that i can commit to something--i also want to end what i had started!

much love,

alo-homora xx

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