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yang jeongin bang chan

I drew a deep breath as I reached our front door.

I turned back to Yerin and she grabbed my hand.

She gave me a small nod and I pushed open the door.


"Jeongin, honey. I thought you would be at Chan's longer," she said as she walked out of the living room.

She paused when she saw Yerin.

Her eyes widened and glistened from the forming tears.

"Yerin, my baby," she said as caressed my sister's face.

Yerin smiled at Mom as she began to cry, "I'm so sorry, Momma.. I missed you so much!"

My mom only smiled and pulled Yerin into a hug, "I knew you'd come home. You just needed time and after a while I understood that. I love you so much."

Yerin chuckled, "I love you too."

Yerin turned back to me and yanked me into the hug, both women wrapping their arms around me.

I whined, "Okay, okay. I didn't leave Chan to be smothered."

Yerin backed up with a little 'oh'. She placed a hand on my shoulder and looked to my mother, "What even is their relationship? Jeongin keeps saying it's 'complicated', or whatever, but they literally act like a couple."

My mother laughed loudly, "Jeongin's had a crush on him for a while now. I'm pretty positive Chan like him as well. They're just too scared to admit their feelings."

Yerin nodded, "Sounds like the brother I know, but," she touched at my blonde hair, "the blonde definitely throws me off a bit. It looks good though, little fox."

I smiled at my old nickname, "Your long hair definitely suits you as well, big fox."

My mother clapped her hands, "I know! Let's have a sleepover tonight!"

I laughed at the childish side of my mother coming out and nodded, "Sounds like fun."

We took many blankets and pillows to the living room and sprawled them across the floor.

My mother made popcorn and we pulled out different snacks and candy.

After we finished, we sat on the pile of blankets.

I hugged a pillow to my chest as I ate chips.

My mother turned to Yerin, us being in a somewhat circle.

"So. What's different with you these days?"

Yerin smiled and looked down at the candy in her hand, a small blush surfacing, "Well. I have a girlfriend."

My mother squealed, "I need details!"

Yerin chuckled, "Her name is Serena. I met her in the states and we just hit it off. We've been dating for little over a year now."

My mother smiled, "I'm happy for you."

Yerin turned to me, "Now this is really what we want. Jeongin. You said your relationship with Chan is complicated, but what do you want it to be?"

I thought about the question for a moment, "Definitely not complicated.. I would like to be more than just friends. I really can't imagine my life without him."

Both girls squealed and I rolled my eyes, a smile still making its way to my red face.

Yerin looked to my mother, "You should've saw the way Chan took care of him today. He got all worried since Jeongin got cold outside and wrapped him in a blanket, then he pulled Jeongin into his lap as he wrapped his arms around him. He also kissed his head before we left. That's couple goals. He was outshining the actual couple there."

My mother nodded as she laughed, "They do that here too! Chan's been to a few dinners and even came to pick of Jeongin a few times."

I whined, "Why do y'all have to out me like that?"

Yerin shook her head, "You too need to start dating."

I shrugged and looked to my lap.

The rest of the night went by with us playing different games and watching a movie.

We eventually began to go to sleep, but I stayed up, just thinking about Chan and how we would be as a couple.

The next morning, I woke up with a text from Chan.


my channie <3:
good morning!
i hope you slept well.
i wanted to know if
you were still going to
the cafe today.

my little one <3:
of course!
wouldn't miss it
for the world.
see you soon hyung

my channie <3:
but duck isn't coming.
he's at woojins

my little one <3:
haha okay


I stood up from my spot and walked upstairs, changing quickly into a simple sweater and jeans.

I walked down the stairs and ruffled my hair.

"Where are you going?"

I turned to Yerin, who was getting up from her spot, "Coffee with Chan. Why?"

Yerin shook her head, "I'll be heading home soon, but I'll wait for Mom. Imma make breakfast."

I hummed, "I'll probably see you once you go home. I'm going to Chan's after coffee."

Yerin chuckled, "Do you spend your whole day with him?"

I shrugged, "Pretty much."

Yerin shook her head, "You might as well move in with him."

I tapped my chin, "Good idea. I'll bring it up at coffee."

With that, I walked out the door.


856 words; edited.

thoughts ?

also, i put a new book out called 'runaway home'. it's stray kids and has jeongchan, changlix, seungjin, and minsung so please check it out.

warning: the whole book is pretty insane. it's also based off 'side effects'.

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