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i apparently started this book some time in october of 2018 :p
i'm going through and editing it so :,)

^ "i'm editing" *deletes entire chapter because i hated everything about it*


yang jeongin bang chan

I kicked softly at the different shades Autumn had brought to the leaves. A small smile played on my lips as I watched a squirrel scurry by, preparing for the rough Winter ahead.

The thought of Fall had always calmed me; the nude colors, the comfortable sweaters, the light winds and fresh scents of new beginnings. The Fall was like the calm before the storm. Everything seems to be at peace with each other, the leaves fall with a slow pace. Then, Winter makes its arrival. With its harsh and bipolar weather, which can range from freezing to below freezing, or if the people in Seoul, Korea get lucky, only a slightly cold day.

I enjoyed just about everything Fall brought.

I savored it all.

I fiddled slightly with the ends of my maroon and yellow striped scarf that matched the ones Gryffindors would wear, although I believe I'm more of a Hufflepuff.

The thought of my mother played throughout my head as I touched at the thick brown sweater that hung on my small framed body.

My mother was much like me; a lover of Fall. The sweater that I was clad in was woven from her own hands. The hard-working hands that did two jobs to pay for our house and to live.

My mother deserved so much more.

My father was kicked out of the house when I was 16, two years ago. For some reason, the entire situation never once managed to bother me. Maybe because I was never close to him to begin with, due to the fact that he was always at work. Or maybe it was because he had cheated on my mother with a coworker and the thought made me despise him.

I also had an older sister, Yerin, but she is almost never around. She went abroad after my father was kicked out. You see, she always favored him and couldn't believe the man had done such a terrible thing. She was always stubborn. That stubbornest led her to leave us all.

I didn't mind that. Me and my sister were never close either. She's six years older than me and by time I was even old enough to think about following her around, she was a teenager and already had her own things to deal with.

The only one I was ever comfortable with was my mother. She never failed to make me smile, to make me feel better. I always do my best to make her proud.

Maybe secluding myself from others stresses her?

I always think of these things, but this fault in myself is one that can't change overnight.

I never liked getting close to people.

I only ever had one friend; Hwang Hyunjin. We were very close. That was until Hyunjin got himself a boyfriend and I felt selfish to take him away from the one he loves, so I made him let me go.

Luckily, at that time school for me was coming to an end and my days of suffering in a classroom with loud and over-dramatic people were beginning to lessen more and more.

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