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yang jeongin bang chan

I looked in the mirror one last time and nodded to myself, deciding I looked fine.

My jeans were dark and I wore a black belt, as well as a black turtle neck with a denim jacket over it. I also wore simple black shoes and my studs in my ears.

I walked to the door and called back, "Lets go Duck!"

The big dog excitedly ran to me and allowed me to connect the leash.

We made our way out the apartment and to the elevator.

The same ding signalled the opening and closing of the elevator doors as we left, making our way to the cafe.

Duck stayed by side at a steady pace.

I smiled to myself thinking of me and Jeongin's meeting. I held a very soft spot in my heart for the redheaded boy.

He never failed to make me smile and want to keep talking to him, or simply just sit in silence with him.

Simple things he did managed to put me in the best mood.

I was a like a puppet, him being the puppeteer, tugging the strings of my heart.

I shook my head with the silly grin on my face.

Duck began to get really excited and started jumping.

I looked ahead and noticed Jeongin standing outside the cafe.

He caught sight of me and Duck and walked over with his bright smile.

He sent me a small wave and dropped to his knees to greet Duck.

He finally stood again and we shared a brief hug. He pointed back at the cafe, "We can tie Duck to the pole outside the cafe."

I nodded and wrapped Duck's leash around the tall object.

Duck gave me his sad eyes and I placed my hand on his head, "We won't be long, Ducky."

I stood and walked into the cafe with Jeongin.

He ordered a hot chocolate, which I was quite proud of since he did it himself, and I got a coffee.

We took a seat by the window in order to see Duck.

Jeongin sipped at his coffee and looked up to me, "You look really nice today."

I grinned, "Thank you. So do you."

Jeongin was currently wearing one of his many sweaters, a red one, with a pair of black ripped skinny jeans and Converse.

He pushed his glasses up the bridge of his nose as a pink spread across his face.

I looked down at the coffee clasped between my hands, happy I can make such an adorable boy smile and blush.

After talking for a while and finishing our drinks, we left the cafe.

Duck stood from the sidewalk he was laying on and his tail wagged at the sight of us.

Jeongin took the leash and we made our way to the park.

Once we got there, we released Duck from his leash and let him wander around.

Me and Jeongin sat on the bench, once again talking about whatever.

Jeongin stood and walked to Duck. The two began playing in the grass and fallen leaves.

I got an idea and walked over to a few fallen leaves. I scooped them in my arms and walked back to Jeongin.

I threw the leaves over the younger's head and watched as he stood in awe.

The different colors of Autumn fluttered around our heads, sending feelings of warmth throughout our bodies.

The leaves finally fell and Jeongin looked to me with a big smile.

He ran over and picked more leaves up.

We continued throwing around the fallen nature until we finally got tired.

All three of us sat on the grass, taking in the crisp air.

Jeongin looked to me, "I wanna take you somewhere."

I smiled and nodded.

We both stood and made our way through the park.

We came across a pathway deep in the park and Jeongin began walking through.

Me and Duck followed behind, not knowing where Jeongin was leading us.

We finally came across a clearing and the view stunned me.

A peaceful pond stood in the middle of the open area, while a 'getaway' area was beside it.

Jeongin paused and I looked in the direction his eyes were pointed.

Three guys were sat by the pond.

I squinted my eyes, finding the figures oddly familiar.

That's when it hit me.


Jeongin turned back to me with surprise on his face.

Woojin looked over to me and stood when he recognized me.

He walked over to me and pulled me into a hug, "Oh my- Channie!"

I glanced over at Jeongin and his face held a bit of sadness, one thing I couldn't stand seeing on his face.

I pulled out of Woojin's hug and stood beside Jeongin.

I slowly raised my hand to Jeongin's back and rubbed it slightly.

Woojin didn't seem to see the exchange of contact and I smiled at that.

"It's nice to see you again Woojin."

I looked at Jeongin, "Woojin was an old friend of mine."

Woojin laughed at my choice of words, "Well you almost dated this 'friend' of yours."

I glanced at Jeongin, curious of his reaction. He held a blank face, which somewhat alarmed me.

I wrapped an arm around Jeongin's shoulders, "Sorry Woojin. I just.. Had to go. I hope you know those feelings are gone."

Woojin looked over to Jeongin, then back at me, "Same here."

I nodded, "Well.. This is Jeongin."

Woojin nodded, "I know. I met him a while ago."

I looked to Jeongin, "Really?"

Jeongin smiled at me and nodded, "Yep."

I chuckled and ruffled Jeongin's hair.

Woojin pointed back, "Felix and Changbin are over there if you wanna say hi. You guys are welcome to join us."

I looked to Jeongin and tilted my head, wanting his confirmation.

He gave me a head nod and smile.

We walked over to the rest of the small group and I greeted my old friends.

A while later, and me and Jeongin were sharing a beanbag while Woojin cuddled with Duck.

We all talked about random stuff, laughing and enjoying our time together.

Eventually, we left. I walked Jeongin home and he gave me a hug goodbye.

Me and Duck made our way home and all I could think about was Jeongin.

I think I love him.


1056 words; edited.

thoughts ?

zoo . jeongchanजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें