Chapter 4

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Tina's POV

I let the negative feelings linger around a bit more, until he decides to speak to me

"Okay, wow this is so embarrassing" he starts of, I look at him questionably

"I don't know your name" he said, making me panic a bit, but I quickly thought of a reply

"It's for me to know and you to find out"

"What?" He asked quite puzzled at my reply and trust me, I also couldn't believe I said that

"Yes... you should know me either way" I answered again, wishing that my mouth would just shut up

"That makes absolutely no sense" he stated, "Can't you just tell me your name" he asked

"Um no?" I said but it came out as a question, "But, why don't we play a little game" I said, "What kind of game" he asked

"Well, I'll give you a clue daily to guess my name?" I said making him look at me in an unsure manner, then after a small while he nodded

"Okay then, I accept your challenge" he said, "But what can I call you in the mean time" he asked

"Um how about Rose" I said smiling, "Why Rose" he asked, "I love roses all types of roses, but most importantly the white rose" I said making him nod, "And that is your first clue" I said

"Oh okay" he said and then I pulled him towards the line of the Rollercoaster

We got on and immediately after it was full, the seatbelts were on us and I looked at him and he looked nervous

"Come on, I got you" I said smiling at him, I put my hand on his and felt this weird feeling

I just ignored that feeling

The ride began to slowly move, and I was also beginning to feel nervous

The rollercoaster reached the top and went down with an unbelievable amount of speed

There were twists and turns, we even went upside down

And I was terrified, I even was hugging Jisung so tightly and man he looked like he was having the time of his life

While I was busy praying for this ride to end and most importantly for us not to fall off

When the ride was over, I got off quickly

"That was amazing" he said, "Nope, that was the worst" I said

"Come on let's go again" he said, "Oh hell no" I said crossing my arms

"But you said you wanted to ride it" he said, "And I regret it, now let's go to the others" I said, "That is enough rides for one day" I said again walking away from that thing, they call an amazing ride

"But we only rode, one ride" He said catching up to me

"And that ride made me want to ride, no more rides" I said, "Aww please" he asked and I just looked at him

"No dude" I said shaking my head, I started to walk away, but I suddenly felt myself getting lifted up

"Oh my word, Jisung put me down" I said releasing that he was carrying me bridal style

"Not until we ride a few rides" he said, "No-", "Then I'll carry you to our next ride" he said walking to another ride

"W-what, but I'm really heavy" I said, but he only laughed and said "Nope, your as light as a feather"

This made me a bit relieved since, I thought that I was actually heavy

"Come on Jisung, just let me g-", "Not for one second, until you agree Rose" he said

And I honestly did not mind, until I realized we were literally the centre of attention

"Gosh they are looking at us, so put me down please" I whispered, "Oh, who cares as long as you are with me nothing else matters" he said quite loudly and surprisingly confidently making a few people aww

"Well aren't you guys the cutest" Yeeun said holding out her phone, seemingly recording us

"Sissy is he your boyfriend?" Grace asked making me blush a little, "Oh no, he is just a friend" I said, "Mhmm, then why is he holding you like you just got married" Yeeun said in a sassy way

"Yeah sis, I may be a child but I'm not dumb" Grace said giving me a little bit of her own attitude

"Grace I never knew you had sass" Yeeun said gasping, "Oh she does, she was just shy and sad" I said completely forgetting that Jisung is carrying me

"Well looks like you two are getting really comfortable with each other" Yeeun said wiggling her eyebrows making Jisung drop me to the ground

"Ouch!" I shouted rubbing my butt, "You could have at least warned me, you idiot" I said angrily

"Oh sorry" he said coming to help me stand up, but I just slapped his hand away, "I'm fine" I said still angry and I stood up dusting myself

"Uh let's go guys" Yeeun said picking up Grace and walked away quickly to the car

I walked after them along with Jisung not far behind

"Tina I'm really sorry" he said catching up to me, I stopped and looked up at him, "Who did you call me" I asked

"I'm sorry, I meant Rose" he said, "Who is this Tina" I asked, "She was my best friend" he said smiling, "I loved her so much and it pained me to leave her" he said making my heart skip a beat

"Wait you loved her" I asked, "Yes she was an Angle, she was so special to me" he confessed

"Do you still love her?" I asked and he just shrugged, "I'm not so sure anymore, because of what our close friends say about her" he said making my heart break and an overwhelming feeling of anger, pain, sorrow and disappointment just came over me

"How in the world can you believe those people?" I asked quite angrily, "What if those are just all rumors?!" I asked shouting at him

"Are you aware that if they are wrong it will only hurt m-- Tina?!!" I shouted some more as angry tears strolled down my face

"You don't know Tina, her actual friends say that she changed" he said shouting back at me, "So... you believe them" I asked with a quiet tone

"Yes I actually do" he said and I just looked at him

"You... d-don't love her anymore" I asked, "Yes, this useless argument just made things clear... I don't love her anymore" he said looking down sternly at me

I just nodded and walked away from him

Sorry for updating late
I got the tough case of writers block

Anyways besides that, I really hope you guys enjoyed this chapter

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