Chapter 2

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3rd POV

The girls where quietly driving until Yeeun decided to break the ice

"So why didn't you want me to tell Jisung who you were?" She asked instantly regretting it because Tina just looked out the window

"I- I don't really know why,  I guess I just wanted him, to figure out who I am" Tina side wiping away some tears

"Oh... Okay" Yeeun said looking at Tina for a slight second and carried on looking down the road

The rest of the drive was silent, until they arrived in Oakland Avenue, where a total disaster was awaiting Tina.
Tina's POV

We got into my street and I pointed her the direction, since she doesn't know this place very well, which was good because I was not really honest to where we live, since I don't want her to check up on us

"You can leave us here" I said as she stopped because of the stop sign

"No Tina, I want to see you two get safely in your house" she said, "But its-", "No, it's dark, you two can get easily attacked and I want to see grandma, it's been so long" she said, making me worry a bit, since we haven't seen our grandma in two years

"Fine" I said while crossing my arms, "Good now show me the way" she said smiling happily

I pointed her the direction to our house, just waiting for the worst to come

°°°°°After a few minutes°°°°°

We finally reached our home

I looked up with tears threatening to get out

I just couldn't believe the sight

Everything that belonged to my family, was thrown out, the house seemed to be locked and I was just there in shock

I felt Yeeun's gaze on me, but all I could think of was lying to her

"Oh wow, another house" I said, "What do you mean, isn't this your home" Yeeun asked

"No, I think I just mixed up the streets, they kinda look the same" I said  laughing, and slapped my forehead

"Okay, but what do you mean by another house" she asked, driving out of the drive way, that my father worked hard on

"Um, well if you don't pay your rent on time, they do that" I said pointing at the mess, feeling a sudden whirl of numbness take over me

"That's just wrong" She said making me nod

"But wait, it's my friends house, let me at least get her stuff and I'll call her later since my phone is dead" I said, making her stop, "You can call her on my phone" she said reaching for her phone

"Uh, I don't know her phone numbers" I said, "What?", "I mean I haven't memorized them" I explained, making her nod

She made a u-turn and drove back. She parked the car and I ran and grabbed my school backpack and my little sisters

I saw that she had already opened the boot, and I just put it in there

I ran back and opened up a suitcase, and stuffed everything that belonged to either me and my little sister, I grabbed our family picture along with some novels that I bought and my little sisters books

I also took a dress that belonged to my mother and my dad's sporty clothes and I pulled the zip closing the bag and I put it in her boot

I wiped some tears, breathed a little, closed the boot and got back in Yeeun's car

"Are you okay" she asked, "Yeah" I said smiling while looking down, "Tina, please tell me what is wrong" she said holding my chin up, making me want to just cry and tell her everything, but I just smiled

"I'm fine" was all that left my mouth

"Tina, I know your not fine---", "I'm sorry" was all that left my lips as I looked down

She suddenly opened her door, she got out and she came over my side opening the my door then she hugged me

"Just cry my little rose" she said calling me from my old nickname....

I then started to cry, she rubbed my back in the process, I then just told her everything, I swear I couldn't hold anything back

She whispered into my ear telling me it's going to be okay

But I know it's not

She just looked at me, making me feel kinda uncomfortable

"Why didn't you say anything" she asked, "I trusted those people to take good care of you" she said running her hand through her hair, meaning that she is frustrated

"Well let's just go, we'll discuss this tomorrow" she said, making me nod

She then started to mumble some things in korean, making me get the message that she is pissed off

She drove of not saying a word, making me worry a bit
We arrived at her home, and she exited the car calmly

"Sorry for blowing up a fuse back there, I was just so angry" Yeeun said smiling

"Now that I spoke to God, in my heart, He calmed me down" she added smiling widely making me nod

"Now let's get you and her washed up and ready for bed" she said happily, "I'm not a child you know" I said, "Well you are to me" she said, making me laugh

"Lets go" she said, picking up Grace as I opened the door

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