Chapter 1

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Tina's POV

Our parents are in the hospital, in a critical condition

I left my little sister sleeping, in the children's ward and I'm just sitting in the chapel of the hospital, crying my heart out

I was slowly loosing my faith in the Lord,  I couldn't handle the pain,  what was going to happen to my little sister and I

Our so called loving family distanced themselves from us, my so called caring and loving friends, have left me

And this so called loving God,  is taking my last source of happiness,  peace and comfort

I looked up and cried out,  "Why them and not me!!!",  "Why God, why" I asked silently, then I felt a presence next to me

"Sissy,  why you sad" my little sister asked, with her beautiful brown eyes,  full of concern

"Sissy has a ouchie" I said as I my old scar on my knee,  then she knelt and kissed it,  "There you go, all better" she said then she smiled and sat next to me

I love my little sister, she is literally the last hope,  I have now

"Grace, you can't just- oh sorry,  she just ran off, "I'll let you guys have your sister bond" A lady that seemed to be at her early twenties said,  then she left making us giggle

She then sat next to me and hugged me, "Don't worry sissy, Jesus will make it all better" she said looking up at me, making me nod and kiss her forehead

"Sissy where is mommy and daddy" she asked, making my heart throb in a painful way,  "Grace, your a big girl now,  your almost 7 years old" I started off making her smile brightly

"Well you see mommy and daddy  have a lot of ouchies and they can't get out of here until they are all better" I said as tears we're threatening to come out, but I had to be strong for the both of us

"Is that why you were crying" I heard a voice from behind me say, I then looked back and saw my childhood friend Yeeun said

"Yeeun..." I said silently then I ran and hugged her tightly,  "Yeeun,  when did you return" I asked as hugged her more tightly

"Tina, can't breathe" she said making me release the hug, "So, when did you get here" I asked again,  "Hold on a sec,  I haven't greeted my baby" she said with the same savageness she always had

"Hello bunny,  do you remember me" she asked Grace who was sitting silently, shaky her head

"Well I don't blame her, you left when she was just a couple months old and when I was 10, plus you just left unexpectedly,  you never even called not even once, to tell me you have safely landed or something like that" I said,  making her look down,  "I'm sorry its just that, my phone broke and I was under a lot of pressure, I didn't even have friends back in South Korea, I missed you and the gang terribly" she said as tears rolled down her rosey cheeks

"Its fine, but how did you find me" I asked,  "I have my resources" she said making my stomach feel a little uneasy

"Anyways, Jisung came back with me so we can have a proper reunion and bring the rest of the gang" she said, making my heart ache a bit, but I simply plastered a smiled and nodded

"About Jisung, is he really back, where is he, he left a year after you" I asked, trying to change the subject

 "He is finishing off on unpacking, you know he couldn't stop talking about you" she said as a smirk appeared

But, I just couldn't feel anything at that moment, I felt so numb

"Tin are you okay" Yeeun asked with a concerned look on her face, "Peachy" I said and placed a fake smile

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