Reigning Stars 4

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Chapter 4: Happy together ^_^

...K-ann's POV...

I entered the hospital room 116 and saw Denz carefully and silently watching over her dad. I knew she didn't really want to stay here in Korea for a personal reason, but she said she wants to stay for her father. Yeah, that's how much she loves her father. And there's also a lot of people that cares. Which were her friends and me.

I sat beside Denz and noticed that she's already tired since her eyes showed it. "Denz, you need to rest." I softly said. "I'll stay here and watch for your dad. Go on and rest on the hotel." Denz looked at me and smiled. A smile of appreciation and gratefulness.

"Thanks, Unni. But, I wanted to stay with dad as he wake up. I'll be fine. You don't have to worry about me." She replied. Her mom has to handle their business that her dad left, that's why she's the only one left for her dad. "It's okay, Unni. You can go now. Besides, you've been always here since the day he was hospitalized. Thanks a lot." I didn't want to leave her, but somehow it came to me that she wants to be alone for now. So, then I bade goodbye and left. I understand how she felt.

I went to the nearest vendo machine to grab a coffee before I leave. As I neared the vendo, I saw two guys standing right in front of it. I didn't want to bother them so I silently walked to get my coffee.

"K-ann." I looked up and was surprised to see who just called me. Though, his voice was usually calm, cheerful and girly, it actually shocked me that the voice was serious and cold despite his smiling face.

Kevin was perfectly smiling as I look at him and gave him a greeting smile. I, then, turned to Dongho who was the serious one but had his boyish look on. I bowed at him as he bowed in return and I again faced Kevin.

"Why are you alone?" Kevin finally asked and his usual girl and calming voice was back unlike earlier.

"Uh, Ra Hyo and Abby went off together, but I'm not sure where they are. And I think Kate and Rose were buying some foods. They'll be going straight to the hotel. I'll be leaving also after I finished my coffee." I explained. Wow. I did that without stuttering?

"Where's Denz?" Kevin and I turned to look at the asking Dongho. He must be really concerned about her, huh?

I gave Dongho an assuring smile before I explain. "She's watching over her father. She insisted to stay with him until her mom arrives." Dongho nodded, simply getting what I said.

"What time would her mother arrive?" Kevin was the one to ask.

I faced him and sighed. "About 10 in the evening or so." Dongho and Kevin looked at each other and Kevin nodded at Dongho.

"Since you're going back to the hotel, can I accompany her instead?" I was surprised at Dongho's sudden offer. But then I gave him a grateful smile.

"Sure. But please let her be alone fore now. She needs it. Maybe you can visit her later." Dongho nodded in agreement. I faced the vendo and pushed the coffee button as I payed for it. I took it when it's done and genlty sipped some. I turned to face the two guys again. "I'll be going now, I need to go back to the hotel already." I uttered and bowed at each of them to say I'm leaving.

"Wait." I immediately looked at Kevin and waited for what he's about to say. "I'll accompany you back to the hotel." He faced Dongho. "Is it okay if I leave?"

"Sure, Hyung." Dongho answered in encouraging voice and gave Kevin a reassuring smile and nod. "Eli-hyung and Soohyun-hyung are still here, and Alexander-hyung will be back he said. I'll go back to the room now, okay?" Dongho bowed at us and walked to their hospital room.

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