Reigning Stars 3

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Chapter 3: Messed up!

...Denz's POV...

Why am I thinking of a certain someone not worth my time?!? I mean, why would that Eli-guy suddenly popped out of my head and started messing up my mind?!? He's really annoying! Even when I'm actually trying to sleep he's still irritating me!!!

Okay... So, I admit he's handsome. Overrated as they all say. But, he's still a jerk! And I totally dislike him to actually hate him!

We finally finished our dare to K-ann and she again met Kevin. I think she likes him. Not that I don't like her to like him. But, isn't he too girly??? I mean... He's actually not handsome, he's pretty. Yeah! Like a girl! Just make him wear a long-wig and he'll instantly be a girl! I didn't know K-ann likes girl-type of guy. Haha. But, anyway, instead of waiting for Rose and K-ann to finish their meditation, I decided to refresh myself. I went out of the suite to walk outside the hotel.

I walked to 7-11 to look for something to read. I finally saw a newspaper. It's written in Korean, so I didn't picked it. Then, I saw a pocket book, so I took it and went to the cashier. After I payed for it I went out and started scribbling the pages until I bumped in to something... Or someone.

Denz, why aren't you even looking at where you're going??? I looked up to say sorry. But, I instantly decided not to when I saw who it was.

I raised my eyebrow at him and was about to continue walking when he suddenly spoke. "Sorry." He apologized. I looked at him with a confused expression on.

"Why did you apologized? Aren't you supposed to tell me I should look where I'm going?" I sarcastically stated.

"So you recognized me." He said and smiled. When he did. I almost dropped my jaw and widened my eyes, but I didn't because I don't want him to know I was amazed. He looked so cute when he smiled!!! He was like a cute teenager boy courting the girl he likes. His eyes smiled along with his lips. He's not like the rude boy I bumped into in the airport at all! "I'm sorry about being rude the other day." He opened.

I nodded along. Wait. Shouldn't I be shouting at him to be polite?! Why am I nodding like idiot!? "Uh... It's okay." I started to walk away even before I say something unlikely. You know, I might say he looks cute because believe it or not I often say that. I'm an honest person and I like blurting my opinions out to people.

I heard footsteps following me, so I stopped and faced him again. I raised my eyebrow at him asking why he's following me. He seemed to get it so he spoke. "You haven't get my name." He said and smiled. Not like the one he did, but it still managed to make my eyes celebrate.

I just raised my eyebrow to let him know I'm not pleased at him. "Why would I get your name for?" I asked frowning.

"So if we see each other again, you can call me by my name. I don't want anyone calling me 'hey' or 'you' so I have to give it to you." He flashed another boyish smile. This time it's different. I haven't fanatasized a smile before, but this one made me.

"Okay." I sighed. "So, what's your name?" I asked. He smiled at that ready to introduce himself.

"I'm Shin Dongho. 17 years old. Blood type B. Born on June 29. Currently studying and is also a good student. I never had a girlfriend before. Oh, I got a dog named Bboo Bboo" I almost laughed at his introduction. Seriously, he's like a kid. But, he's too cute as one.

I didn't want to resist my laughter so I chuckled softly to show him he entertained me. He slowly curled up a cute smile. "You're funny, Dongho. I didn't asked for your biography, you know" I said and smiled, then he chuckled softly. "Good thing you're not totally like your friend, Eli." I stated. I looked up to him and saw his confused expression. I knew he was about to ask why I know his friend so I decided to quickly explain. "I've known him from the plane. He's my jerky seatmate. And I saw you together." I tried to look at his face if he's going to be mad about what I said.

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