chapter thirty two

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Zach's POV
    Mom and dad called us to make sure we were safe and with Aunt Caroline and uncle Tyler. Once our conversation was over we headed back home to get ready for the party. Our aunt and uncle followed us in their car, with our cousins to make sure we got home safely. Lexi had grown worried and shaky about everything, and although all of this is driving me insane as well I'm trying to keep it together. Not only for her, but for my mom, dad, and everyone else. I pull up to the house and shut off the car. When I look over at Lexi I see her wringing her hands.

Zach:"Hey it's okay. Just breathe. Everything is going to be okay I promise."

She nods nervously, and we both smile. We head out of the car and into the house. As soon as we walk past the front door, mom and dad shoot up from where there sitting on the couch and reach out to give us all hugs.

Lexi:"Mom what's going on?"

I look over in time to see Mom slowly pull away from Lexi.

Mom:"I don't want you to worry about that okay?"

She squeezed Lexi's hand just a bit and reached out to cup the side of my face for a second.


Dad gently cut her off whilst resting his hand against the side of her head—causing her to look up at him as his thumb ran across her cheek.

Stefan:"Go get ready for your party. Both of you. Everything's fine. I just want you to focus on your birthday. Okay?"

He smiled at us both, but within a couple seconds of our eyes meeting, he gave me a slight nod. I knew exactly what it meant. Lexi was stubborn when it came to things she was unsure about. Our family had decided it was a trait she got from mom. With Lexi being stubborn at times, she would want to stay until she figured out what was going on.

Lexi:"But dad who—"


She turned to look at my as I placed my hand on her shoulder, and I shook my head. Meaning for her not to pry.

Caroline:"Why don't you guys go get ready?"

Lexi and I both looked back at her, nodding. We gathered with our cousins and walked upstairs.

Lexi's POV
    Zach walked into his room with the boys, and Lizzie joined me in my room. I sighed and fell into my bed as Lizzie closed the door. She came over to the side of the bed and plopped onto it with me. A couple of seconds later she lifts herself by her elbow and looks over at me. I could feel that she was about to say something but I quickly stopped her.

Lexi:"E, I don't want to talk about it—"

She nodded and got up heading over to my vanity. I quickly got up and

Lexi:"—Actually I do. Why won't they tell what's going on? I mean, I don't even know if this man is really is my uncle? And if he is why haven't I known about him until know?!"

Lizzie walked over to me and placed her hand on my back.

Elizabeth:"Hey it's okay. I know it's hard not having answers, but your mom and dad are right. You should focus on the party. I mean you've been so excited about if for weeks, so will you try to enjoy it please? At least a little bit."

I sighed, nodded, and smiled faintly at her.


Elizabeth:"Okay great, so hair first or..."

I laughed and hugged her tightly.

Caroline's POV
    Tyler and I only knew what Zach and Lexi had explained and what Elena and Stefan had told us over the phone.

Caroline:"Okay so Damon showed up, but what happened after that? I mean what did he say?"

Elena:"He wants to be a part of our lives again."

Tyler:"Wait why? At least why now?"

Stefan:"We don't know."

Stefan runs his hands through his hair and turns away from us all, letting out an angry sigh. He then quickly turns back around.

Stefan:"I just don't want him to hurt our family again."

Elena:"He won't. We won't let that happen."

Elena's POV
    I take a couple steps towards him—to where I'm close enough to give him a reassuring kiss. Caroline, Tyler, Stefan, and I all sit on the couch.

Elena:"We should call Bonnie and Jeremy, and Jo and Ric. They could bring the kids over and they could get ready with Zach, Lexi, Dylan, and Lizzie while we talk about everything else."

Caroline:"I'll call Bonnie right now."

Stefan:"And I'll call Ric."

They reached began their calls, but Ric didn't answer. Stefan tried calling Jo next but, she didn't answer either. Stefan turned to me with concern in his eyes. They same emotion flowed through my body and Tyler's as I see him duck his head slightly and bury it into his palms. Caroline began to worry as well since Bonnie hadn't picked up the phone so she tried calling Jeremy instead. The phone rang a total of four time before he answered, and she put the call on speaker.

Caroline:"God doesn't anyone answer their phone anymore?! Where's Bonnie?"

Jeremy:"She's in the shower. Why? What's up?"

Caroline:"Have you heard from Alaric or Jo?"

Jeremy:"About an hour ago they took the girls out. Something about Sophie needing Something for the party. I don't know, but seriously Caroline what's wrong? I can hear it in your voice."

Caroline:"Damon showed up."


Elena:"He showed up at the house, Jer. He's gone now, and the kids are up stairs getting ready, we figured you and Bonnie could come over and bring the kids so they could could get ready with Lexi and Zach while we can figure out how to deal with everything, so the kids aren't put in a position they shouldn't be in."

Jeremy:"We'll be there in 15 minutes."

Caroline hung up the phone, and almost immediately after Stefan's phone began to ring. He turned back over from where it lay face down on the counter and looked at the caller ID.

Stefan:"It's Ric."

I sprung for the phone and quickly answered it and put it on speaker.

Elena:"Ric are are you guys okay?! Where are the girls?!"

My voice was nervous and shaky.

Alaric:"Elena, breathe. We're all fine, but Damon stopped by."

Stefan:"What did he say?"

Elena:"Did he meet the girls?"

Caroline:"What did Jo say?"

Alaric:"He didn't meet the girls. Jo was with them. He spoke to me alone, after we all got home. He just dropped by. He apologized for leaving so suddenly all those years ago, but I told him: Even though I missed my best friend, it was between him, Elena, and Stefan."

Tyler:"You guys should come over. Everyone else is, and the kids are getting ready for the party upstairs."

Alaric:"Yeah. Okay I'll let the girls know and head over."

I let out a big sigh and let my body sink into the couch. Stefan reaches out for me to come closer, and I do. I lean into his chest and rest my head on his shoulder. Being in his arms makes me feel safe and complete; like nothing in the world can harm me, when I'm in his embrace.

    Sorry it took so long to get a new chapter up, but I hope you guys have some suggestions for me. I would love to hear what you guys like and dislike so that I could incorporate them into the book. I love you all so much for the support and for bearing with me throughout all my writer's block moments.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 14, 2019 ⏰

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