chapter twenty eight

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Rebekah's POV
    I couldn't believe the words coming from my brothers mouth.

Rebekah:"What?! What are you talking about?!"

Elijah:"It's a lot to explain, but you need to come to New Orleans with me now."

Rebekah:"I have a life here Elijah, friends, a boyfriend. I won't leave."

Elijah:"Think about it, Rebekah. I'm leaving tommorow at noon. If you decide to come with me, meet me in the town square."

With that he left in a flash. I turned to Bonnie and noticed the rush of emotions that her face held.

Bonnie:"Bekah, I'm so sorry."

Rebekah:"It's fine Bonnie really, but thank you."

Zach began to squirm in my arms and started to cry. His sister's cry following his shortly after.

Rebekah:"They're hungry. Can you heat up there bottles? I'll try to calm Zach down for now and bring Caroline up to the couch, so that when she wakes up she won't be on the floor."

Bonnie:"Alright I'll be back in couple minutes."

Shortly after feeding the twins Caroline woke up.

Caroline:"What happened? Elijah!!!"

She was breathing heavy and frantically looking around the room.

Rebekah:"He's not here. He was here for me, but all of that is over he's not here anymore."

Caroline began to clam down, and her breathing returned to a normal speed.

Caroline:"He was here for you?"

Rebekah:"Yes. He wanted me to help Nick. It turns out that my big brother is soon to be a father."

Caroline:"Wha–how is that even possible?!"

Rebekah:"I'm not quite sure, but he wants me to leave with him to New Orleans."

Caroline:"God Bekah, I'm sorry."

Rebekah:"Thank you, but I think I have to go with him."

Bonnie:"What no!Bekah you can't"

Rebekah:"Bonnie, I have to. Even if I don't want to. My brother has never been good at dealing with his emotions and those who aren't there, so I have to go because if he were to blame me for not being there for him and come after all of you I would never for give myself."

Caroline:"What about Matt?"

Rebekah:"It's far too dangerous for Matt to come with me. I love him so much, but if he were to go he'd get caught up in the middle. I don't even want to begin to imagine what could happen to him."

Bonnie:"We're here for you, but before you make any big decisions I think you should talk to Matt."

Caroline:"I agree."

Rebekah:"Thanks you guys, and I will, but for now let's just focus on the twins because they are just too adorable, and I am going to revel in their cutness."

We all laughed and continued on with our evening.

Elena's POV
    Stefan wrapped his arms around my waist and pulled me closer to his chest. Our bare bodies, only covered by towels and a thin layer of water, glistened under the moonlight. Stefan kissed the side of my head and I slightly giggled as I was lost in my thoughts.

Stefan:"What are you thinking about?"

Elena:"Nothing, just you, me, tonight, everything."

He chuckled and I tilted my head up wards enough to see his amazing smile. He planted a sweet intoxicating kiss on my lips. I smiled into the kiss. never wanting to let go of that moment.

Stefan:"I love you more than words. I love you with my entire heart and soul."

Elena:"And I can't even begin to explain to you how much I love you, but I can tell you that no one has ever loved another person as much as I love you."

We both let out low endearing laughs.

Elena:"Today, tonight, has been so perfect, and I wish we could stay here, in this moment, forever, but Mr. Salvatore we have two babies at home, and it's getting pretty late."

I teasingly told him as I stood up and wrapped the towel around me. He groaned, and I laughed at his reaction to my comment. We packed everything up and walked back home hand in hand. As soon as we walked in the door my perfect day became even more perfect. I saw my two angels fully awake and laughing the arms of my best friends.

Elena:"We're home."

Rebekah, Caroline and Bonnie:"Ahhh!!"

Rebekah:"How was you night?"

I had no words to describe it, but I simply blushed and smiled uncontrollably.

Bonnie:"Wow that good."

Caroline:"Of course it was."

We all laughed at their comments. We walked over to the couches with them. Caroline passed me Lexi and Rebekah passed Zach over to Stefan.

Stefan:"Thank you guys for watching the twins."


As soon as Rebekah said that she had a look of regret and sadness on her face. Bonnie and Caroline, along with Rebekah, had saddened eyes.

Elena:"What's wrong?"

Rebekah:"Nothing really."

Stefan:"Rebekah, we know you better than that. What going on?"

Rebekah:"Well, I have to leave."

Elena:"What do you mean?"

Bonnie, Rebekah, and Caroline's eyes began to water. I was worried and confused, and I could tell Stefan was too. Rebekah looked up and struggled to speak, but she finally was able to bring herself to say what she needed to.

Rebekah:"I have to leave to New Orleans, and I don't know when I'll be back."

I was in disbelief. We had all gotten to know and love Rebekah. She was one of our closest friends.

Elena:"Why? What about Matt?"

Rebekah:"It's a long story, but it turns out my brother is going to be a father, and I don't want to go, but if I don't go there's a possibility you could all be in danger by his anger. As for Matt I'm going to tell him when I go home tonight, but I don't want him to go and be caught in the middle of it because he could be hurt too."

She got up from her place and came to my side bringing me into a hug.

Elena:"When are you leaving?"

Rebekah:"Tommorow at noon."

I was on the verge of tears. I would miss Rebekah and I know everyone else would too.

    Hope you guys liked it. Might do something a little crazy for the next chapter, but thanks so much for reading.
I love all of you.

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