Chapter thirty one

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Elena's POV
    Once the kids left I let out a breath of air in relief. They didn't know their uncle. They didn't know that he could be callous and selfish, but they also didn't know that there was always a part of him that hoped to be good but was always brought back to his bad side by his rash and destructive decisions. I am brought out of my thoughts as I feel Stefan's arm tense and his voice cut the silence between the three of us.

Stefan:"What are you really doing here Damon."

Damon:"Like I said I'm here to get to know Lexi and Zach."

My brows furrowed in confusion and so did Stefan's.

Elena:"How...How do you-?

Damon:"Well it's a bit of a story, so why don't you just let me inside and-?"

He tried to get past the door, but Stefan stiffened even more and put his hand against the frame of the door firmly.

Stefan:"Absolutely not."

At this point I was worried about him. He was angrier than I had ever seen him before, so I decided to step in and try to calm him down.


I softly and simply said his name whilst unraveling my arms from his left arm and turning towards his body slightly. I placed my left hand on his bicep and my right arm on his shoulder giving it a light squeeze. He turned his head and looked into my eyes. He took in a somewhat deep breath and turned his attention back to Damon.

Stefan:"You're not staying. I don't want Zach and Lexi more confused then they already are, so you have one hour."

Damon didn't say a word and slid past us as we made way for him.

Stefan:"So are you going to tell us how you know the names of our kids."

Damon:"Well if I want to be apart of their lives may as well start with the truth right? Were should I start? Oh I know how about when they were born-"

I could feel a small lump begin to form in my throat, and Stefan grew undeniably furious. His hands turned to fists, his body tensed up once more, and his eyes seemed to turn a slightly darker shade than their normal soft green color.

Stefan:"What the hell are you talking about?!"

Damon:"The day they were born. I came back a couple days before Elena had the twins. Christmas day they were sleeping in the nursery and you were all downstairs. I went in and saw Lexi in her crib by the door, and Zach was in his crib on the other side of the room. They were both sleeping peacefully, and I just stood there studying how they resembled both you. As for knowing their names. I checked in every couple months. I watched them play in the park, go off to school, basically grow up."

Elena:"Wait you know a-about everything."

Damon:"Yup. I know about pretty much everything that's happened since I was gone. I know about baby Gilbert and bon bon's kids. I know about vampire Barbie and mini Lockwood's kids. Then of course there's Ric's twins with the hot doctor."

I looked over at Stefan, and he and I shared the same look. We realized he didn't know about Leah, and I figured we should probably tell him. Since he seemed somewhat sincere, but I also didn't want to put her in any danger.

Stefan:"Okay you've established that you know a lot. That you haven't missed many details, but I want to know why your back now. Of all the times you could've come back why now?"

Damon:"Look I messed things up with you and Elena and literally everyone else, but I have gotten to know them, Lexi and Zach. They may not know me, but I know them. They're great kids, and I would love to be a part of their lives."

Stefan's tense body seemed to relax a bit. I couldn't believe what I was hearing, but Stefan and I had always wanted Damon to be a part of their lives. He just ran away before anything could even begin. I took a deep breath and jumped at the chance to speak before Stefan could say anything.

Elena:"Damon, I'm glad you're back. We're glad your back, but this is a lot to take in, and the twins are going to be home soon—"

Stefan"So you should go I'll call you tomorrow to discuss everything."

Damon:"Of course."

Damon walked to the door but turned back to us before he left.

Damon:"I'll see you guys tomorrow."

I gave him a small smile as Stefan gave him a simple nod, without any emotion. Once the door closed I let out a breath of air that I didn't know I was holding in. I turned to Stefan and stroked his upper arm gently.

Elena:"Hey, are you okay?"

He cleared his throat and turned to face me with a small smile.

Stefan:"Yeah I'm fine. We should call the kids."

I sighed and brought my hands up to the back of his neck.


My tone somewhat nudging him to talk to me.

Elena:"I'm right here. Okay? You don't have to talk to me right now but whenever you're ready I'm here."

I placed a kiss on his lips as his hands rest limply on my hips. I pulled away and he pressed his forehead against mine.

Elena:"I love you. I'm right here, and I'm not going anywhere. Okay?"

Stefan:"I know, and I love you too. I just want the kids to have a nice time today. Do I wish it was without Damon on their minds? Of course, but we'll just have to tell them everything later."


I smiled and half chuckled to lighten the heaviness in the room he placed one last kiss on my lips before we called Caroline, Tyler and the kids.

    Please forgive me you guys I know it's been a while and for those of you guys who were still sticking around and reading the book I appreciate your support so very much. I love you all and hope you enjoyed this chapter, and I can't wait until you see what happens next.
          Cami💛 💛

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