chapter four

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——the next day—————————————
Stefan's POV
    Elena and I are in class and I'm lost In my thoughts. I'm slightly nervous about talking to Jeremy today but since I know I'm going to meet him when I drop Elena off I need to get everything straight.

*Bell rings*

Elena:"You ready?"

Stefan:"Yeah let's get out of here."

I look down at her and give her a small kiss before we go. When we get to her house I walk her to the door and see that Jeremy is at the kitchen table, I realize that I can't tell Elena I have to speak to her brother because knowing her she would get suspicious, luckily she asks if I wanted to stay a while so I gladly took the offer knowing Jeremy would be home and I would be able to pull him aside.

*One hour later*

Elena had fallen asleep on the couch and I decided that now would be the perfect time to talk to Jeremy. So I went upstairs and knocked on his door.

Stefan:"Hey Jeremy can we talk."

Jeremy:"Yeah come on in, what's up."

I sat on the edge of his bed and struggled to get the words out.

Stefan:"Well I was and Elena have a really strong bond and I know you love her and would do anything to protect her and I love her so much so I....I want to propose but I want to do it right so do I have your blessing?"

Jeremy looked at me with a big smile

Jeremy:"Of course, Stefan you make Elena more than happy and I love seeing her back to her old self. You guys are perfect for each other."

I got up and gave him a cheesy bro hug

Stefan:"Thanks Jeremy, I should probably go check on Elena."

I went to check on Elena and to no surprise she was still out like a light but about ten minutes later she woke up and gave me the most beautiful smile.

Stefan:"Get some rest?"

I said as I walked over to her and then gave her a delicate kiss.


We did some homework, took a shower, and then got ready for bed, Elena was still pretty tired because of school and everything that has to get done before graduation.

——next morning————————————

    It was morning and luckily I had some clothes at Elena's place that I could just throw on but I was going to propose today so I've decided to surprise Elena. I went downstairs and decided to make breakfast while Elena was still sleeping unfortunately before I could finish she came downstairs.

Stefan:"Good morning."

Elena:"What's going on?"

Stefan:"I'm making breakfast and we aren't going to school today."

Elena:"First off that smells amazing and second what do you mean we aren't going to school, Stefan it's school we're about to graduate and that means we need to get to our classes."

She tells me with a small chuckle I stop what I'm doing and walk over to her and put her hands in mine.

Stefan:"it's only one day, I'll call Caroline and have her compel our teachers to pass us just for the day, ok?"

Elena:"Okay, you're lucky I love you."

*They both lean in for a kiss*

We finished breakfast and Elena went up stairs to get dressed. We were headed to the lake house for the day so that we could relax and we could be without any interruptions.

——That evening at the lake house——

Elena and I have had the perfect day we went for a hike and then we swam and lastly just relaxed and enjoyed each others company. Elena was standing outside looking over the water in her blanket looking over the water just like the last time we were here which was perfect. I chose to come here to propose because this is the place where we talked about our future what it would be like if we were to have kids, be married and now hopefully one of those things will come true. I had the ring box in by pocket and was without a doubt ready for one of the biggest moments of my life. I walked outside and just like last time wrapped my arms around her small body and gave her a light kiss near her ear.

Stefan:"What are you thinking about?"

Elena:"Nothing just how much our lives have changed since the last time we were here, Klaus, Rebekah everything."

Stefan:"Yeah there's so much that's different but I can tell you one thing that hasn't changed."

Elena:"Yeah, what?"

Stefan:"How much I love you and how I want to spend the rest of my life with you."

As I said those words I stepped back and got down in one knee I pulled the ring out and said four simple words.

Stefan:"Will you marry me?"

With a gasp she said...

Elena:"Stefan...of course, yes!!"

I slid the ring onto her finger and stood up to connect our lips in a passionate kiss. We vamp sped inside and made it to our room her legs were against the bed and I gently laid her down on the bed without pulling away from our kiss. I had unzipped her sweater and she swiftly unzipped mine. That night was the best one of my life, it was the night that I knew that no matter what comes our way I will always have Elena by my side to get me through it all.

—The next day at school—————————

Elena's POV
    Stefan and I are walking down the hallway and I can't seem to stop smiling since last night this is the best thing that could have happened to me and now I can't wait to tell our friends.

*They see everyone*

Elena:"Hey you guys."

Everyone(except Caroline and Bonnie):"Hey."

Caroline and Bonnie:"Elena!!"

I looked over at Stefan and gave him a look and simple smile because Caroline and Bonnie's reaction let me know that he'd gone to them before he asked me which only made me giggle because he was so perfect.

Elena:"Hi, you guys want to see it don't you."

Bonnie:"Yes of course."

I stuck out my left hand and Caroline eagerly grabbed.

Caroline:"Aww Elena were so happy for you guys."

Elena:"Thanks care."

From behind them I see Jeremy and he just has the biggest smile he comes towards me and takes me into a big hug.

Jeremy:"I'm happy for you.."

Then he turned to Stefan and gave him one of those lame cheesy 'bro' hugs.

Jeremy:"Congrats man, just don't break her heart alright."

Stefan:"Wouldn't dream of it."

As he said those words he wrapped his arms around me and placed a kiss on my temple which sent chills throughout my body.
    Hey guys just finished finals and was able to get back the chapter so I hope you guys like it. I'm thinking of adding Alaric and Jo into the book you know just like popping them in at some point let me know if that's something you guys would like or if you want me to set up a storyline for them and comment if you guys want me to put in any ships like klaroline or Bamon and I can even add some characters like Hayley and hope and Klaus and all the original family just let me know in the comment if that's something you guys would be interested in.
   Much love,

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