chapter three

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I can't image letting her go....
Stefan's POV
    I wake up and realize that Elena is in my arms I lightly kiss her temple and attempt to get up without waking her but fail as she turns and with a slight yawn says 'good morning'. I lay back down and respond by kissing her.

Stefan:"Hmm good morning."
    I tell her as I mess with the buttons on my shirt that she effortlessly looks gorgeous in.

Stefan:"I didn't mean to wake you I was actually going to go get dressed because we have a busy day today."

Elena:"We do?"
    She asks looking slightly confused.

Stefan:"Yeah, I talked to Bonnie and she wants to meet us by Wickery bridge at four, you know because of this whole sire bond thing."
    I jokingly tell her as if it were no big deal.

Elena:"Oh right the sire bond."
   She says mimicking me with a light chuckle afterwards and leans forward to kiss me. Mhmm I say against her lips before hesitantly pulling away and stroking her arm.

Stefan:"I hate to break up this beautiful moment but if we don't get out of this bed now we'll never make it to Bonnie."
    I place her hand in mine and give it a kiss before getting out of bed. As far as Elena knows I'm going to be with her when Bonnie breaks the sire bond but she doesn't know that afterwards I will hopefully join Caroline because I've had something on my mind since last night and I can't wait anymore and Caroline is the only person who can help me with this kind of thing because she's the expert of all things romantic. Elena and I got dressed and then headed to Wickery bridge where we saw Bonnie skimming through her grimoire.


Bonnie:"Hey you guys"

*Gives them a hug*

Bonnie:"So I asked you guys to come because I found a spell that will help me break the sire bond and to do that we have to be at the place of your death when you had vampire blood in your system, which brings us here, All I need is a couple drops of your blood and then I will do the spell and you'll be free of the sire bond."

I place my hand on her back and then move it in small circles as if to comfort her.

Stefan:"Are you ready?"

Elena:"Yeah let's do this."

But before she could bite into her palm the one person we would never guess to be here showed up.....Damon.

Stefan:"Damon, what are you doing here?"

Damon:"I followed you."

*Walks up to Elena*

Damon:"I have to know for myself."

I turn back to Elena who has already bitten into her palm and Bonnie begins the spell. Elena's blood, that was previously in a small pool in her hand, is now in the air in the shape of an infinity sign and once Bonnie was done chanting the spell the infinity sign broke and the blood vanished into thin air. I look at Elena and see that she has her eyes closed but only for a second she takes in a breath and jumps into my arms. I place her down and then with slight worry ask her...

Stefan:"How do you feel?"

Elena looked over to Damon who was standing to our left she gave my hands a squeeze and a reassuring look. She walked over to Damon, gave him a hug and said...

Elena:"I will always love you Damon as one of my best friends and I don't want to lose you."

Damon:"I don't want to loose you either Elena, but I just need time."

He walked away without another word and Elena walked back over to me. We thanked Bonnie and then I drove Elena to her house since she wanted to tell Jermey about the sire bond. After I dropped Elena off I decided to call Caroline to see if we could meet and thankfully she had some time so I was on my way to the grill to meet her for lunch.

*At the grill*

Caroline:"Hey Stefan."


Caroline:"So what's on your mind."

Stefan:"Well we're graduating soon and I love Elena so much, so I wanted to ask you if you think I should propose after graduation and I know it's early but she's the love of my life. I'm just worried she's not ready yet or on the same level that I'm on.

Caroline:"Oh my god Stefan! This is huge."

*Smiles at her words*

Stefan:"I know."

Caroline:"Well you and Elena have always been on the same level because you guys are soulmates and that won't ever change she's always been by your side and you've always been by hers through the thick and thin I mean you guys have had up and downs all your life and you guys have finally found your way back to each other and you guys belong together, you should absolutely propose!"

Stefan:"Thanks Caroline, for being so helpful and I need you to keep this a secret from everyone you can tell Bonnie but no one else can know. We only have a few weeks left until graduation so you're going to have to wait to be happy a bout this."

Caroline:"Hey I can keep a secret....okay maybe not but I promise I won't spoil this one."

*Lightly chuckles*

Stefan:"Thanks I'll see you later."

Now all I had to do was talk to Jeremy since he was Elena's brother I wanted to get his blessing, Jermey was very protective of Elena so I wanted to do this right.
    Hey guys so I have finals coming up next week and may or may not be on my phone as much but I promise to try my hardest and upload more chapters but I wanted to give you guys a this chapter because it is one of my favorites and I just love it so much I just hope you guys love it as well and just let me know in the comments if you guys want anything else like more characters ship names anything really I'll make it happen. Thanks so much to all of you for the support.
    Much love,

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