Chapter Five

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"Are you ok now, Kayla?" I swore he spoke in that heart stoppingly low tone on purpose and for a minute I just stared at his lips. Hopefully before he noticed, I looked away and gulped hard.

"Yeah I'm fine. Ah, thanks for letting me, you know, cry on you," I smiled sheepishly up at him, I didn't know what it was but every time I looked in to his eyes it felt like I was falling in to a deep pit of darkness.

He gave a low chuckle that seemed to make his whole face light up,

"Yeah it's cool as long as you're ok."

I gave a small smile in response and quickly went to gathering the things I had dropped.

"See ya soon," I called as I walked away to get the rest of my stuff.

I stood up and walked to the main door only to remembered I had forgotten my javelins.Turning slowly I was met by the guys, ready and standing uncomfortably near the main entrance. I walked over to them and looked around to see if everyone was accounted for.

"Ok guys just put your things down right where you are," I pointed to where my bag rested up against the wall behind them. I was about to go for my javelins when I remembered what Kristi told me.

"I need some help for something," I said to the boys just as they were beginning to leave.

"I'll help you."

It was Hunter.

Well I hoped he had a strong stomach because I didn't think he would like what we were about to do.

We walked in silence and soon reached one of the store rooms, totally indistinguishable from the others besides beside the black ribbon tied to the handle.

"Wait a sec, isn't that the cupboard the dead lady is in?" Hunter asked just I was about to open the door. I retracted my hand and turned around to face him.

"How do you know about that. You know? Doesn't matter. Yes this is the room with the dead lady but the Zombies can smell the living and we need to mask your scent."

"And how do you know this may I ask?"

I looked at him through squinted eyes, "You ask too many questions."

But he just looks at me sceptically and I sigh philosophically. I don't want to tell him about the calls, so I lie. Well, it's not a complete lie.

"Because, um, well, me and my best friend used to study zombie movies and books, and have kinda been preparing for the Zombie apocalypse for like, four years now," I said with a sheepish look.

I quickly turned away, ready for him to say something like I was stupid or I was insane.

"Really?" is all he says and I turned to see him looking out into nothing as if remembering something.

"Yeah," I replied, "I hope she is still alive."

I whispered the last part to myself, hoping he couldn't hear me.

I put my hand on the doorknob and twisted it and the door opened slightly to reveal a dark room. Pulling out my phone, I turned on the flashlight, instantly lighting the room with a small glow and revealing the familiar form of old lady Hutcherson. Keenan thought It would be respectful to cover her body so we had draped a sheet over her and I was grateful for it now.

I still had my knife in my pocket so I pulled it out just incase. Taking in a deep breath, I took a tentative step into the room. Hunter walked close behind me as we crossed the room and I could feel the heat radiating from his skin. Walking over to her, I steeled myself for what I was about to see and pulled the sheet of old Lady Hutcherson's decaying corpse. Her skin was transparent, her lips were bright blue and some of the skin on her face had fused with the sheet, coming away with it when I removed it. I looked around to see if there was any sort of container I could use to put what I needed in and spotted a large ice-cream container.

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