Chapter Four

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I woke up to the sound of voices outside my door and curled into a ball. I braced myself, ready for the impact of boys jumping on me to wake me up. But when the door opened and I turned to look the boys, including Hunter walked in and lined up in a row. Then came the words I've dreaded for twelve months. I tried so hard to keep it a secret but somehow it always managed to leak out.

"Happy birthday to you," I groaned and hid my ears with my hands, not again.

"Go away," I said into the mat, my hands weren't enough to block out their singing.

"Leave me alone," I groaned but they just kept singing happily. I sat up straight in my bed.

"I hate birthdays!" I plead and they all stopped at the same time.

Silence. Ohio was the first to speak.

"What? But birthdays are the best! You get presents and you get to be the important person of the day."

I threw the blankets of and stood up, hugging myself.

"I already am the important person," I said to Ohio but he looked at me and shrugged.

"You still get presents."

I walked out of the room hoping the others would follow.

"You guys got me presents?" I smiled and then looked at Ohio. He opened his mouth and closed it again, my smile faded.

"Ash made breakfast," he said, trying to change the subject. Two boys grabbed my arms and half walk half carried me to the table where eggs and bacon were laid out.

I looked at ash, "Where did you get this Ash?"

He smiled and looked at the ground like he was shy all of a sudden.

"I found it in Coach McDuff's fridges out back and thought it would make a good birthday breakfast for you."

I stood up, walked over to Ash and hugged him.

"Thank you Ash, it means a lot."

"It's ok Kayla it makes up for the fact that I told the others that it is your birthday."

With a smile on both of our faces I jumped on him. We went down with a thump I rolled so I was sitting on top of him.

"So you're the one that told them!" I said licking my hand and wiping it all over his face.

"Geeze Kayla, you're more of a dude than a chick!" Ash said on the brink of laughter, I couldn't help but agree with him.

Once his laughter died down he put his hand up and rested it on my cheek. I could feel the heat from his touch but it wasn't like what I had experienced with Hunter. He pulled himself up and I thought he was about to kiss me when I saw a flicker of mischief in his eyes. Then I was on the winded and on the ground while Ash pinned my wrists on each side of my head. Being this close to ash I noticed things that I hadn't before. I noticed his eyes were more bronze than brown and in the light his hair had a golden colour, even though his hair was usually the same chocolate brown as mine. Suffice to say being pinned there by Ash was not what I call fun so I used my shortness to an advantage I wriggled under him. Uncomfortable, he shifted positions on top of me.

"Don't make my hurt you Ash you know I'm very capable of doing so," I said in between gasps as he crushed my lungs.

"Yeah I know but at the moment you're stuck under me so get over it," He poked his tongue out at me and did a raspberry.

"Don't spit in my face, you turd."

I knew immediately after the words left my mouth that I would regret them in a moment. Ashe's grip on my wrists tightened and his face was inches from mine.

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