Chapter One

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Hi guys, so this is my first story and Wattpad and I am super excited! This story came to be when me and my older sister Carliss or @LadyCarliss and I decided to have a writing compition. Please go check out her stories and I hope you like!

Ok, so to start things off, lets just say I'm a normal seventeen year old girl going to a normal high school. Every day is just like the one before which, however boring, is the way it should be. But then the zombie apocalypse came early and normal got thrown out the window, so back to reality. From what I know it's just me, old lady Hutcherson and a few school friends left, in like, the whole world. Which kinda worries me because besides the boys, it's just me and grandma over there. So I may as well tell you my story, before we all die horrible deaths at the hand of the undead. And by the way, my name's Kayla.

I walked into the school grounds on the first friday of the month. The air was fresh and cool on my skin, the sun shone brightly and the sky was a brilliant blue, but oddly, no-one was there. There weren't any boys on the footy field pretending they were hot, no girls in the bleachers kissing the newest guy, and so I was a bit puzzled. The peace was nice however, so I kept walking. The school was so quiet it was eerie and I wondered if someone was playing a trick on me. When I reached my first class I saw that no-one was there, odd. I pulled out my phone to make sure it wasn't saturday or a public holiday, it wasn't. Then I heard a groan. I quickly put my phone back in my pocket and turned around just in time to see my friend Jasmine.

"Hey Jazz what's up?"

I was waiting for her usually come back "the sky, bro" but it didn't come. As I walked closer I noticed that her skin was gray and she had what looked like blood on her face and hands. As she got closer something began to heat up at the base of my throat. It was my necklace that I had bought from my best friend Kristi like four years ago. Back then she had started a business called 'early warning jewellery'. Mine was supposed to heat up when zombies where around. So as the stupidest person ever, it took me a while to figure it out.

I looked at her in horror.

"No Jazz! I never got to tell you what I really thought of you. You suck!" my voice was shaky as I bordered on panic. She began to chase me and I ran, laughing hysterically. I had an idea, and it might just save my life. The gym was always unlocked, and you could only lock it from the inside. I moved through the hallways, the gym my target. My legs burned but I kept running, Jasmine's growls and cries reminding me I was running for my life. I finally got to the door only to find it was locked.

"What the hell?!" I screamed to no-one in particular.

"Open up! For the love of god, open this door!" I bashed on the door, willing it open. I turned around to see Jazz getting ever closer.

Finally my oldest friend Keenan came to the door and called out, "Are you a zombie?"

He opened the door a crack and I just stood there shaking my head "Do I look like a zombie to you?"

Without another word he opened the door and let me in. I burst in and slammed the door behind me before he got the chance, locking it tightly.

"Sorry Kay, its just there's not many people left, not in here anyway."

We started walking toward the centre of the gym and I asked "Do we have any weapons? I need all of them."

Keenan nodded and ran off to the store rooms. I hoped we had weapons. When I reached the main area I was surprised to only see one other female, old lady Hutchinson. I didn't mind though, all the girls here hated me. I never knew why but I didn't mind, I hated them too. Besides her a few of my other school friends were there. There was Hector, huge guy, Ohio, his parents were crazy, Jarred, his hair scared me and Ash, a friend of mine. From what I knew, they were all pretty good guys, I hoped.

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